The complete nucleotide sequence of an isolate of LMV from Yuhang was determined.
Results the nucleotide sequence of the cloned SEB gene was the same as that of reported in Genebank.
The complete nucleotide sequence of isolate B935 of the RNAs of broad bean wilt virus2 (BBWV2) was determined.
AIM To amplify the nucleotide sequence of desmoglein 4 extracellular domains EC1 EC2, EC3 and EC4 from human keratinocytes.
目的:扩增人表皮角质形成细胞桥粒芯糖蛋白4胞外区域EC 1, EC 2,EC3和EC4的核酸序列。
The result of the nucleotide sequence determined by dideoxy chain-termination method indicated that 5'-terminal nucleotide sequence of the amplified NS1 fragment was not …
The positive recombinant plasmid was identified by PCR, enzyme digestion. The nucleotide sequence of CSP3 'ending gene was determined by the dideoxy chain termination method.
The result of the nucleotide sequence determined by dideoxy chain-termination method indicated that 5 '-terminal nucleotide sequence of the amplified NS1 fragment was not changed.
用双脱氧链末端终止法测序结果表明,NS 1基因扩增片段5端的部分碱基序列并未发生改变。
DNA sequence analysis showed that the nucleotide sequence of T7 lysozyme gene was 99.5% homologous with the reported sequence and its deduced amino acid sequence was the same as reported.
A SNP is a variation in just one nucleotide of a genetic sequence; think of it as a spelling change affecting just one letter in an uncommonly long word.
Their trouble with language had been caused by the change of a single nucleotide of dna-just one letter in the genetic sequence.
The program compares nucleotide or protein sequences to sequence databases and calculates the statistical significance of matches.
Each codon is a specific sequence of three nucleotides (three nucleotide pairs in double-stranded DNA), and each codon codes for a single amino acid unit in a protein.
It is the particular sequence of the nucleotide blocks along the molecule that encodes the genetic information.
Influence of neighboring base composition on nucleotide substitution bias was observed in the sequence of nuclear pseudogenes and chloroplast non-coding and coding sequences.
The human gene, an important strategic resource, is an array of specific sequence of nucleotide acid in the human body.
In every instance the sequence is written starting on the left with the nucleotide of the 5 'terminus.
All members of CHS gene family in this study had high sequence similarity, more than 90% among the members in the same subfamily and more than 78% among different subfamilies at nucleotide level.
所有这些CHS成员具有很高的同源性:在核苷酸水平上同一亚家族内基本上高于90 %,不同亚家族间也在78%以上。
The sequence analysis determined that the CP gene of Kuerle pear isolation comprised 582 nucleotides and encoded 193 amino acids containing consensus of nucleotide binding motif.
Sequence analysis showed that homology of nucleotide and amino acid of ts was high.
The homology of Giardia canis virus to sequence of L13218(GenBank) was 94.62% in the nucleotide, and 93.50% in the amino acid levels.
其序列与国外报道的人源蓝氏贾第虫病毒(L13218) 序列同源性为94.62%,编码的氨基酸同源性为93.50%;
The positive clones were sequenced and the sequence data were analyzed using Nucleotide BLAST software of NCBI and Expert Protein Analysis System of Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics.
通过互联网对测序获得的核苷酸序列进行同源性分析 ,并预测新基因编码蛋白质的结构与功能。
Sequence analysis showed that its nucleotide sequence had high identity to a Japanese isolate of RDV and contained high percent of rare codons.
The users can search a range of parasite specific nucleotide sequence databases or search parasite protein databases for keywords and text terms and motifs from here.
Bioinformatic methods were employed to analyze the homology of the nucleotide and amino acids sequence of beta subunit gene and its possible protein domain and transmembrane topology.
It often leads to fundamental biological insight into sequence-structure-function relationships of nucleotide or protein sequence families.
Sequence analysis showed that more than 74% nucleotide sequence identified with some other high-affinity Pi transporter of plants.
Sequence analysis showed that more than 74% nucleotide sequence identified with some other high-affinity Pi transporter of plants.