Even the NWO people say 500 million people are optimal.
A strategic meeting that everything is normal like their plans of the NWO is going to continue on and on.
This research was funded by NWO and contributes to knowledge about the characteristics and behaviour of this dangerous Salmonella.
COBRA: this Bilderburger most of the people are different faction. Not as important. Not as important. Mid-level management of the Cabal have this illusion of NWO.
Funny coincidence that both these countries strongly opposed, and declined to take part in the NWO, and are seen as the enemy to the globalists and followers of the coudenhove - kalergi plan.
Funny coincidence that both these countries strongly opposed, and declined to take part in the NWO, and are seen as the enemy to the globalists and followers of the coudenhove - kalergi plan.