This article discusses the objective and subjective time of the Arabs.
Objective time is "measured by clock and calendar" and is predictable where as subjective time is measured by our own personal understanding and is outside of clock time.
In contemporary English, these time relations fall into objective time relations and subjective time relations.
The static weight of each index has been calculated by Analytic Hierarchy Process with Group Decision Making, considering subjective weight and objective weight of experts at the same time.
Time carries both objective and subjective meanings.
The nature of the time, the subjective understanding of the objective reality of certain social stage, is an overall view and basic judgment of what is happening or what is going to happen.
Time is divided into "objective time" and "subjective time. "
Psychological distance is the subjective and condition of producing jealousy. Space-time distance is the objective circumstance condition of producing jealousy.
The key point of res judicata in the Continental law system concerns the legal norms within the scope of res judicata, which includes the subjective scope, the objective scope and the time scope.
While one's style may be closely related to objective factors such as time, nation and class, it is more likely and directly originated from the subjective aspect, that is, his personality.
At the same time, it tells us that we should overcome many objective and subjective difficulties in the process of the Needing Teaching Model's promotion.
Combination of time and space of our subjective and objective world, we crawl in the mossy, from the historical reality and the dream of building corridor.
One of the most elusive ways that procrastinators abuse time and do not sync their subjective time with objective time is underestimating how long a task will take to complete.
The Subjective space-time View regarded time and space as a person's inherent in the form of innate knowledge, abandoned the objective nature of space-time.
The Subjective space-time View regarded time and space as a person's inherent in the form of innate knowledge, abandoned the objective nature of space-time.