To do this successfully, their brain prompts them to think and even obsess about others.
I think no matter what diets we follow or what slimming products we obsess ourselves with, at the end of the day there's no magic trick to shape up for the summer.
My dear students, I obsess you, you obsess me, and he obsesses us.
(Not that you want to obsess over this number. You just want to measure your progress each year).
The project seems to obsess him.
But our minds are not evolved to think about strangers, and we obsess, needlessly, about what people think of us and how these insults will diminish us in the eyes of others.
Accept that some things you obsess about are out of your control.
And even supposing that, because of his pride, he did not beg for freedom, I find it difficult to believe that this thought did not obsess him.
It's certainly the thing that I obsess about the most.
They continue to obsess us because it is truly, deeply what all little girls want.
Recognize your fears but don't obsess or you'll continue to give yourself more reasons to be afraid!
I know they say that you'll just find another body part to obsess over, but it's still my dream.
The reason we obsess about people who hurt us is because it's comfortable. Heck, sometimes it's even fun.
Or did you and your girlfriends obsess together about being thin and having perfect bodies?
"You might want to focus on being as healthy as you can and not obsess about your weight," Dr. Sharma said. "Obesity management is not about treating Numbers on a scale."
Let obsess each other. Let us make obsession become a permanent memory.
If You Obsess, You're owned: Many minimalists enter the lifestyle in an attempt to free themselves of "being owned" by their Stuff, physically and psychologically.
We do things in virtual worlds that would shock us in the real one, and our daydreams are not always pleasant ones; even happy people obsess on their worst fears.
What to name a baby is one of the first things that expecting parents obsess about.
Save the lemon for later – When something is bothering you, don’t obsess and let your concern spill over into your conversations.
Forgive yourself for your mistakes — Highly successful women don't obsess or feel guilty about past choices or failures.
For people who obsess about trade deficits this is seen as a positive feature.
It's basically a way to visually brainstorm where you don't obsess and tweak but instead rough out a large number of possibilities.
Some things are just unthinkable or you are better off not thinking about them more than you need to (inform yourself but don't obsess).
Highly successful women don't obsess or feel guilty about past choices or failures. They make mistakes, move on, and apply what they've learned to new situations.
The founders that stand out are those that obsess over learning as much as they can about their startups, the market, customers, etc.
Highly successful women don't obsess or feel guilty about past choices or failures.
People often obsess themselves with the past and the future.
Newton, in contrast, was walking proof that one path to immortality, assuming you have the requisite endowment of brains, is to obsess.
Newton, in contrast, was walking proof that one path to immortality, assuming you have the requisite endowment of brains, is to obsess.