To get the most honest feedback, make responses anonymous, and obtain responses from people outside your immediate group.
When obtaining information you can use a get request to obtain a specific value, or GETNEXT to get the next property from the last one you read.
Step 2: Since the client knows the IDs of both accounts, if necessary, it can submit GET requests to the following URIs to obtain more information of each account.
Include the steps defined in Test Case 1 to obtain the runner and get the response.
This means that a 52-year-old man can obtain a mortgage of up to eight years and that a 52-year-old woman can get a mortgage of up to three years.
The purpose of a resume is to obtain an interview and ultimately to get the job or internship.
You should read table PA0006 to get setup data needed to obtain current address data and also to update address data.
As performance testing tools get smarter, we are relieved from doing much of the manual work that used to be required to obtain performance data.
The executives in the survey said it was harder for foreigners to get business licenses to start a new firm, or obtain new product licenses.
Also be aware of any medical clearances you'll need to get, particularly for your pets. The time to obtain these can often be very lengthy.
To do this, you need to get the response object of the form submitted, obtain the links, and assert it against a value of 2, which includes a link representing IBM and a link that was just added.
It can get be upsetting to see the people you care about base their happiness on whether or not they will obtain these material things.
He was just 18 when he got Anne Hathaway pregnant with their first child, Susannah (she was 26), and the couple had to obtain a special licence from the Bishop of Worcester in order to get married.
You will need to obtain he regular expression jar file provided by GNU (see Resources) and place it in the extracted lib directory, in order to get the examples to work.
Before installing Samba, it's best to force apt to obtain the latest package lists. You can do this using apt-get and its update subcommand.
Listing 7 demonstrates code to get a new instance of the Calendar class, obtain the hour of the day (which is returned in a 24-hour format), and then put together a simple greeting based on that hour.
Corresponding to the word get the synonyms list may consist of the words get, obtain, and fetch.
Adjust the right eyepiece (No. 3 in Fig. 1), to get the visibility adaptive with operators eyesight, obtain the clear image.
In data security, a sad fact is that although users value their privacy, but when these data can get free access service or to obtain economic benefits, users still tend to take out the data exchange.
With the same input of human capital, it is an effective way for human capital's growth that ordinary laborers possessing less human capital can obtain more opportunities to get education.
With this seesawing you obtain your spiritual growth but the thing is not to get too far out of balance so that you are limping through life.
When good men asked for it they were refused, or failed to obtain it when promised, as the king would forget or prefer not to open the vase to get but a single drop.
Inquiry and quoted is clients and enterprises' initial osculatory, and also plays an important role to obtain latency client, get client order, detain old client.
The paper USES the concept of Minimum error probability, to obtain the object probability parameter from square diagram, to get the method of the optimal threshold in images analysis.
The paper USES the concept of Minimum error probability, to obtain the object probability parameter from square diagram, to get the method of the optimal threshold in images analysis.