When the injected electrons find the lower-energy state occupied, they spill over into the other state; realigned with their holes, they release their extra energy as photons.
The state of such a process instance is persisted in a database (the BPE database) between two transactions so that operating system resources are occupied only during an in-flight transaction.
And then realizing that the probability that some state out there has to be occupied, we saw that of course if we sum over all these probabilities that sum has to equal one, right?
So now we know how to figure out how likely it is hat a certain state is occupied. And what it means is, let's say we have a whole bunch of states kT whose energy is pretty low compared to kT.
Rather than covering the geographical area occupied by the modern Greek state, he argued Ancient Greece stretched from Georgia in the east to Spain in the west.
But if we're in the low temperature limit, maybe we're in such low temperature that only the lowest possible state is occupied.
Mr Netanyahu insisted that Israeli soldiers remain in any future Palestinian state, and occupied East Jerusalem and much of the West Bank remain in Israeli hands.
I want to do after a house designer, because China is now a lot of people, the state house occupied many cultivated land, land, less and less people's quality of life in the fall.
There are four surface state bands in the gap. Among them, two occupied surface state bands have been confirmed by valence band spectra of synchrotron radiation photoelectron spectroscopy.
Ce X century the Kitans became powerful and occupied the north and North-East China and established the Kitan State.
Do not occupy your precious time except with the most precious of things, and the most precious of human things is the state of being occupied with the present.
It dwelt in her mind and occupied her consciousness during many long afternoons in which her rocking-chair and her latest novel contributed the only pleasures of her state.
First, it proved indubitably that she and her husband occupied separate rooms, in itself a shocking enough state of affairs.
Someday, when he chatted with the King of Chu in the palace, sad news came in – the State of Fan had been occupied.
In Hegel s theory, the civil society is a different occupied stage between the family and the state.
This paper gives a brief description on the present state of and the major problems in the management of occupied and used forest land.
To be wholly occupied with others , never ti look within , is the state of blindness of those who are entirely engrossed by what is present and addressed to their senses ;
To be wholly occupied with others, never to look within, is the state of blindness of those who are entirely engrossed by what is present and addressed to their sense;
We found that if the highest occupied quantum well state is near Fermi level, the local work function of the film decreases, whereas, the local work function increases.
We found that if the highest occupied quantum well state is near Fermi level, the local work function of the film decreases, whereas, the local work function increases.