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Together we can help the human family get back to its roots and claim its legacy - a world of caring, sharing and growing together.
Would I like to see the TOTAL of Earth life in peacefulness, love, sharing, caring and service one to another?
In sharp contrast to Hobbes "cynic view of human existence, Bonny hicks exemplified a form of life that is loving, caring and sharing".
In sharp contrast to Hobbes' cynic view of human existence, Bonny Hicks exemplified a form of life that is loving, caring and sharing.
Sharing and caring will be very satisfying, and bring people together regardless of wealth, status or position.
The spirit of Christmas is the spirit of caring for and sharing with others.
When aliens find this exquisite porcelain vase on a deserted planet, they learn of mankind's love, sharing and caring. They are touched by the common home that has eternal values.
When aliens find this exquisite porcelain vase on a deserted planet, they learn of mankind's love, sharing and caring. They are touched by the common home that has eternal values.