Astronomers then measure this glow and use it to correct telescope settings to overcome the blurring effect of the atmosphere on far-off images.
The satellite bounces laser light off the ground, allowing researchers to measure the terrain with extraordinary precision.
Dirac pointed out that one of the only ways to measure a particle's position is by bouncing a photon off of it, and seeing where and how that photon lands on a detector.
We took the sales tax off prescription drugs, a measure especially helpful to seniors, and increased the homestead-property tax exemption for them by two-thirds.
There are obsolete units of measure that came about due to the convenience of measuring off things against parts of the body.
Hold off on advertising where you cannot measure results (e.g. print) and ROAS (Return on AD spend), or those that have not resulted in good ROIs in the past.
It is accurate to within 0.03mm. The same sensor is used on a boat to shine a beam off the tiller bar, using the reflection to measure the Angle of the rudder.
First and foremost, project managers need to educate steering committee members about how to measure progress: The only meaningful way is to look at working software, not signed-off documents.
If you can't measure everything that is necessary to optimize the overall business goal, then you are better off without the sub-optimizing partial measurements.
Until the past 50 years, children from well off families had a large advantage in going to college because their studies were in large measure financed by their parents.
The Gateway City scored in the bottom half of all nine categories we looked at for the Forbes Misery Measure. It was the only metro area to pull off that feat.
God has spoken from his sanctuary: 'In triumph I will parcel out Shechem and measure off the Valley of Succoth.
These rare, leggy behemoths, native to the waters off Japan, can measure up to 12 feet (3.7 meters) from claw tip to claw tip.
The one-off price increase therefore appears to be a stopgap measure made by an administration that is betting falling international prices will eventually allow it to loosen its controls.
We have been talking about and have wanted such a measure for ages. I take my hat off to the parliament.
Meanwhile, Gates mentioned Japan's dispatch of Maritime Self-Defense Force destroyers as a measure against pirates off the coast of Somalia, saying he was very grateful for Japan's efforts.
For good measure, it is Ripley whose misplaced maternal instincts (hurrying off in search of the ship's cat) enable her to avoid the monster's attack.
Where we left off, Cindy, the regional sales manager for Germany, is asking Nick how they will measure the success of the new training program.
He has been ranked in the 99.99th percentile of the population and has been ranked off the scale as the Stanford-Binet test cannot measure higher than 160.
On May 20th the Senate passed its bill, which includes a controversial amendment requiring banks to spin off their derivatives businesses; the House bill does not contain that measure.
Among men, wearing made-to-measure bespoke suits were rated as having better personality traits than those wearing good quality off-the-peg suits bought from a major high street retailer.
The ego seeks to show off its grandeur through the arrogance of all knowing and in some cases seeks to assume its rightful place by its measure against the elitist barometer.
The laser altimeter will bounce beams of light off of the surface to measure the heights of mountains and depths of valleys.
Forgood measure, they also get Epiphany off - let's call this the total Christmas holiday package.
Buildings veneer brick often break off by the effort of temperature in cold-zone. This paper analysis the breaking off cause and points out the counter measure in construction.
But some analysts saw it as a stop-gap measure to avoid a looming crisis that some compared to that set off by the collapse of Lehman Brothers in 2008.
But some analysts saw it as a stop-gap measure to avoid a looming crisis that some compared to that set off by the collapse of Lehman Brothers in 2008.