Thirdly, you might want to pick them up and give them to an old man or woman who collects waste for a living.
You're soon going to become an old man or woman.
While we can't control how our partner feels, reacts or responds there are things we can do to reduce some of the unpleasantness that comes with living with a grumpy old man or woman.
All citizens, old or young, man or woman, should keep the traffic rules.
We are a soul, but every day we identify ourselves with the role-playing game and think we are healthy or sick, are a woman or a man, believe we grow old and die.
In modern society, getting married is no longer the top priority for many people of over 30 years old, man or woman.
How can they find the robber? What does the robber look like - is it a man or a woman? Old or young? It is not always easy to know.
It's customary in China for a person to give up his seat to an old or disabled man or a pregnant woman in a crowded bus.
In the home, the woman seems to have held undisputed sway, though, together with the old people and the children, she also had to do all the work, while the man hunted, drank, or idled about.
But I always saw a pregnant woman or the old man stood up, but there will be young, middle-aged man sitting next to her.
To find out, they went into four or five houses and asked the people. Everyone said Wei Ching-lien was a wicked man and that the old woman had nothing to eat.
To find out, they went into four or five houses and asked the people. Everyone said Wei Ching-lien was a wicked man and that the old woman had nothing to eat.