The material of human fossil, culture relic and zoolite in the Old Stone Age are very abundant.
This stone axe is a relic of the Old Stone Age.
These are the latest of the men that we call Palaeolithic(Old Stone Age) because they had only chipped implements.
The “Old Stone age” hall displays the real mammoth tusks, found on the bank of the Yenisey in the end of the 19th century.
The gap between the Old Stone Age and the New Stone Age once supposed to be a real hiatus, is being filled by a Middle Stone Age.
New City has a long history, the Old Stone Age 28,000 years ago, the late "Tongkuangyu Zhi", in relation to live in this dwelling.
The material of human fossil, culture relic and zoolite in the Old Stone Age, which are excavated in the Northeast of China, are very abundant.
Taking early ruins of the old Stone Age in Donggutuo as axis and taking 10-25 km as radius, we can confirm the action range of Nihewan ape-man.
以东谷坨旧石器早期遗址群为轴点,以10 - 25公里为半径,可以确定泥河湾古人类活动的范围。
PeKin man, lived from 460,000 BC to 230,000 BC, who could use fire and can make the tools from stone is a good example for early Old stone Age men.
Peking Man, who lived from about 460,000 BC to 230,000 BC and who was able to use fire and make stone tools, is a good example of early Old stone Age men.
He discovered a Stone Age village 5,000 years old.
"When we launched, the space age was only 20 years old, so we had no evidence that things last that long," added California Institute of Technology's Ed Stone, Voyager project scientist.
Indeed, recent research on the 5,300-year-old mummy has shown that the Stone Age man did not have blue eyes as previously thought.
Because of the different of the deposition time and the degree of silicification, the bedding structure formed different, depositional age old Melaleuca stone near the jade.
Similarly, modern myth-making, reliant though it is on new tools and techniques, is really just pushing the same old buttons in stone-age brains.
Mount Tai boats its numerous grotesque stones, clear waterfalls, age-old pine tree, stone Bridges, temples, pavilions, pagodas and halls.
Learning in old age is like writing on sand; learning in youth is like engraving on stone.
It boasts numerous exotic rock formations, water-falls, age-old pine trees, stone bridges, temples and balls. The sights there are so beautiful.
The 50-year-old actress said she wasn't going to do a big speech as she did her coming out about a thousand years ago back in the Stone Age.
As the age old, weathered the bridge handrails, stairs, Qiaolan and stone carving.
As the age old, weathered the bridge handrails, stairs, Qiaolan and stone carving.