This was all a bit bourgeois for Thomas Carlyle, who focused his biographies on the truly heroic, lives of Martin Luther, Oliver Cromwell and Napoleon Bonaparte.
Cromwell appears chattily as “Oliver”.
“YOU have been sat here too long for any good you have been doing, ” Oliver Cromwell famously declared, as he dissolved the Rump Parliament in 1653.
More than two dozen individuals are mentioned, including Henry II and Becket, Charles I and Oliver Cromwell, Charles II and William III, Nelson and Wellington, Gladstone and Disraeli.
He eventually found himself captured by Royalists and spent some time imprisoned in the Tower of London and later Windsor, before being paroled by Oliver Cromwell.
Oliver Cromwell became Lord Protector of England-ruling for over 4 years.
I beseech you. think it possible you may be mistaken Oliver Cromwell.
A hundred long years must still elapse before Englishman could hear the name of oliver Cromwell.
A burgh of southeast Scotland on the North Sea east of Edinburgh. Oliver Cromwell defeated the Covenanters here on September 3, 1650. Population, 4,609.
Which takes us to some more bad years, the Commonwealth in England under Oliver Cromwell: long on sermons, short on fun, with maypoles and general frolicking severely frowned upon.
这让我们想起一些更糟糕的岁月,奥利弗·克伦威尔(Oliver Cromwell)统治下的英联邦:大道理很多,乐趣很少,五朔节花柱和寻常的嬉戏会引起强烈不满。
Oliver Cromwell, Lord Protector of England, was one day engaged in a warm argument with a lady.
Oliver Cromwell, Lord Protector of England, was one day engaged in a warm argument with a lady.