However, the increasing US budget deficit and its potential impact on the dollar have raised questions about the future Chinese appetite for US debt.
Most American states do not collect sales taxes on goods bought over the Internet, but California wants the money to help plug its budget deficit.
We certainly wouldn't try to cut the deficit or balance the budget while the ship is still taking on water, right?
The Congressional Budget Office forecast a deficit of $1.2 trillion for this year on Wednesday.
Greece is on target to cut its deficit to 8% of GDP this year. Spain too can point to a shrinking budget deficit and less stressed Banks.
The 2010 budget, unveiled on February 9th, involves a spending increase and a deficit, but it came wrapped up in promises of restraint and future balanced budgets.
Similarly, the old plan was founded on the assumption that Greece could slash its budget deficit to less than 3 per cent of GDP by the end of 2012.
Mr. Obama also said he hoped for an agreement on ways to reduce the U.S. debt and budget deficit, which are at record highs.
Last year it had Europe's largest budget deficit, with most of its overspending on social benefits.
Coming so shortly on the heels of the subprime crisis, the debate over the debt ceiling and the budget deficit is the last straw.
The budget, due to be presented on February 26th, promises to eschew accounting gimmicks, paint an unvarnished picture of America's fiscal future, and to reduce the deficit to 3% of GDP by 2013.
The budget deficit jumped by almost 30% on an annual basis in the first six months of 2011.
It should be combined with a second task, which is to say what the forecast effects of the expenditure cuts on the budget deficit are.
But the emergency budget promised for June 22nd will be trickier: it needs to show resolve on the deficit without sending the country back into recession.
The VAT hike was needed to help shrink a budget deficit that is on track to reach 10% of GDP this financial year.
为了减少预算赤字,让其达成本金融年度GDP10%的目标,VAT的增加是必要的。 评:“金融年度”应改为“财政年度”;另外句意有误。
The most significant detail is the cost of his plan and its impact on our long-term budget deficit, "he said."
Opinions on how to cut the budget deficit (chart 4) lend some support to the notion.
They propose an insurance system with premiums based on each country’s debt and budget deficit. The money raised would be used for loans to euro members shut out of bond markets.
One was to fix Britain's perilous budget deficit and forge an economy less dependent on debt.
For example, China wants the United States to raise its own savings rate and cut its budget deficit and reliance on consumer borrowing, which are blamed for the influx of Chinese goods and capital.
In an interview with the Wall Street Journal, Peter Orszag, Mr Obama's former budget director, disparaged any deficit-reduction action that premises future legislative action on a failsafe mechanism.
There will be no progress on solving the country's medium-term budget mess, even as concerns about the deficit forestall any short-term measures to boost employment or prop up demand.
Add together the cost of fixing the AMT and likely expenses for the war on terror, and the budget deficit may well stay around 2% of GDP for the rest of the decade.
The pound came under heavy selling pressure on the foreign exchanges yesterday as fears that a hung parliament could delay action on Britain's budget deficit sent jitters through the markets.
The budget deficit as a share of GDP may be on a par with Greece's, but Britain's public debt started much lower, at less than 50% of national output in 2007, compared with over 100% in Greece.
On June 6th her cabinet will start trimming Germany's budget deficit, taking decisions that will make some Germans still angrier.
The proposed central budget deficit for 2009 is 750 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 570 billion yuan, and more Treasury bonds will be issued to finance this increase.
The proposed central budget deficit for 2009 is 750 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 570 billion yuan, and more Treasury bonds will be issued to finance this increase.