All STBs are put independently on a line. Under the control of recording system, it transmits digital data by the antenna.
Why the TMS320LF2407 DSP processor is choosed to be the core part of on-line monitoring system is just because the 2407 DSP's excellent performance in the field of digital control.
正是由于2407DSP在数字控制中表现的优秀性能,在油色谱在线监测系统中选择tms320 LF 2407 DSP芯片作为其核心器件。
Why the TMS320LF2407 DSP processor is choosed to be the core part of on-line monitoring system is just because the 2407 DSP's excellent performance in the field of digital control.
正是由于2407DSP在数字控制中表现的优秀性能,在油色谱在线监测系统中选择tms320 LF 2407 DSP芯片作为其核心器件。