They employ translation tools that help ensure the consistency of the translation, but this is no substitute for on-site verification.
And of course, verification measures, which may eventually include on-site inspections as restrictions become tighter, will be part of the mix.
For this test, you'll open the Web site and simply perform a verification on the entire contents of the menu.
Law enforcement officers are also on site installation of water, electricity, gas meter verification carried out an inspection, to ensure accurate value.
Once completed the site verification for LUN, the Permit Coordinator will verify and accept the commissioning PTW based on his previous two days of site inspection (See LUN procedure).
The new SFDA regulation: Requirements for on-site verification for Drug Registration was analyzed and the impact to present work of on-site verification was concluded.
After actual on-site application and verification in the boiler control system, it has achieved good control effect.
In order to assess the accuracy of this method on site, verification tests are undertaken on a number of concrete structures.
It solves the on-site verification voltage transformer work intensity, operation cumbersome problem, at the same time the product performance is reliable, powerful.
The results of the verification of proposed method by on-site actual fault data show that the proposed method is practicable.
The device is expected to achieve the full functionality through on-site verification instrument device debugging, and have achieved ideal results.
The on-site installation verification test proved that the weather radar servo motor faults diagnosis method is a more convenient and accurate method.
The on-site installation verification test proved that the weather radar servo motor faults diagnosis method is a more convenient and accurate method.