I was never going to be a quarterback on the football team or the starting pitcher on a baseball team.
Summers in the mid-70s were spent at home shooting baskets, hitting a baseball, or throwing a football, preparing for my future as a quarterback on a football team.
My dad was the star player on his school team, and they first met in line to buy hot dogs at a baseball game!
As part of a display team putting on a show for baseball fans in Arlington, Texas, an experienced US Army parachutist got tangled up in a flagpole.
Next Monday I had a baseball game and my friend, another player on the team, had brought a friend.
In baseball, the Most Valuable player award generally goes to a player on a pennant-contending team.
If you're wondering why I'm wearing dark sunglasses, a fake moustache, and a baseball cap (featuring the logo of professional curling team, the Floating Stones), I'm on the lam.
The world's fastest animal on two legs is the new mascot for a Pennsylvania baseball team.
In baseball, the more talent the better: team performance continued to improve as the percentage of elite players on a team climbed.
For the smallest kid on the baseball team, Alex "Skinny-bones" Frankovitch has a major-league big mouth!
In other words, basketball and soccer are quintessential team sports, where success depends on players' ability to work as a cohesive unit, while baseball is more about individual performances.
Jack sat on the fence for a week last spring before he finally joined the track team instead of the baseball team.
Costner - yes, the one who is launching a minor league baseball team in Zion next year - will precede Lambert on Saturday night with his country music outfit, Modern West.
I am also a pitcher on the school baseball team. Our team has won many, many matches; thus, we gained an honorable title of "unbeatable team."
I am also a pitcher on the school baseball team. Our team has won many, many matches; thus, we gained an honorable title of "unbeatable team."