Your company has continuously focused on the flats market. Could you comment briefly on the difference between the flat and long steel markets?
Dark night knight continuously of Si call, spare no exertion to upstream ascend, on my face a amused, a feet trample on its head and put out strength it with a downward exposure noodles a trample!
On-air blinks on and off when in receiving mode and will light up continuously when transmitting.
Lying in the shade, feeling the wind face and the wind blowing gently, the sun continuously through the gap between the leaves, on the ground is shown on a piece of mottled.
On the other hand, with enhancement of productive forces and change of other affecting factors, the proportion of human activities affecting on cultivated land continuously increases.
An elevator constructed of a series of doorless compartments hung on chains that move slowly and continuously allowing passengers to step on and off at will.
An elevator constructed of a series of doorless compartments hung on chains that move slowly and continuously, allowing passengers to step on and off at will.
I came out fast in the swim and was passed continuously on the bike and held on at the end of the run.
The system can effectively and continuously measure the boom's rotation angle and tilt angle, and the force exerted on the supporting leg when there are certain loads on the boom.
Technology as one of the human existence form, on one hand extends the world space continuously, on other hand gathers the world and compress the distance of space.
Our team always focus on customer centricity, anticipate customer needs, set aggressive goals to continuously improve our service on quality and delivery.
He appointed treacherous court officials and splashed out money on one hand and continuously fought campaigns on the other.
To effectively process CM, in addition to depending on the continuously increasing processing power on hardware, proper data management and system integration are inevitable and crucial.
However, a continuously satisfactory performance relies not on individual excellence, but on how each member regards himself as part of a whole union, and how well they collaborate.
When charging, the yellow indicator turns on and flashes continuously, and the indicator will be constant on after the charging is finished.
With the people's request on the comfort of the shoe advancing continuously, how to judge the comfort of the shoe on the last becomes more and more important.
In recent years, finance funds increased continuously on supporting the leading enterprises of agricultural industrialization, and also perfected on its means.
China's Ministry of Education issued a revised scheme on short sight prevention for elementary and middle school students on Thursday, as the country's youth are continuously troubled by eye problems.
The ball pills which reach the upper limit of the qualified size and drop on the lower group of cylindrical rolls continuously move on the rolling cylindrical rolls.
We designed meteorological index of maintaining chemical equipment, and based on T106 forecast product, built service system on a continuously forecasting basis in 4 days.
设计出化工设备维修气象指数;依据T10 6场格点预报资料建立了未来4天的滚动预报服务系统。
Conclusion The JEV attenuated strain SA14-14-2 is genetic stability after passaged continuously on PHKC to 20 generations, and proved a good safety on molecular level.
结论乙脑病毒减毒株sa14 - 14 - 2的遗传学特性稳定,从分子水平证明了乙脑减毒活疫苗的安全性。
The controversy on financial market validity is continuously conducted and the judgment on the validity of China's stock market does not attain the goal.
The controversy on financial market validity is continuously conducted and the judgment on the validity of China's stock market does not attain the goal.