For me, that's reading and running, but others might like crafts, meditation, yoga, going on hikes, surfing, or whatever.
I go on hikes with family or friends.
You can go on hikes with your family or go swimming or paddling.
Sick of holding your heavy water bottle while you go on hikes in the desert?
I grew up with the mountains in Utah, so I love mountains and going on hikes.
I wanted him to be here with me, exploring the city and going on hikes in the park.
For me, that's reading and running, but others might like crafts or meditation or yoga or going on hikes or surfing or whatever.
Being happy is not a constant. But I am very happy when I am spending time with my family and my friends, and going on hikes with my dogs.
On Guam, I hope to walk to places to do my work, walk with my kids to beaches and parks, go on hikes, walk on dates with my wife to restaurants and movies, walk to go on errands, and so on.
And asset bubbles can be deflated through limits on some sorts of borrowing rather than just interest-rate hikes.
Agricultural producers have also warned of sharp hikes next year on meat and milk products, following a doubling from 2009 of the price of animal feed.
On a sunny day or summer night, long hikes through the city can be as beautiful as long hikes through the mountains.
For example, when coal prices shot up recently, the country's energy giants were not allowed to pass the hikes on to consumers.
That may sound ironic on a supported record attempt, but many of my best friends from previous AT hikes will help me on this adventure.
Curb interest rate hikes by prohibiting credit card companies from retroactively jacking up rates on existing balances until the customer is 60 days behind on payments.
And "retroactive price hikes," where Banks impose higher rates on old balances as well as new ones.
But what we've found was that, as Egypt became more and more dependent on [imported] wheat, Egypt also became more and more vulnerable to price hikes and price volatility.
Even if we had another, similar low, he says, it would probably only cause temperatures on Earth to drop by the order of a tenth of a degree Celsius - peanuts compared to recent hikes.
Clearly as front is seeing him for two days, on his face still thoroughly, but this meets him, he even hikes roads a be lame.
Cat waist slowly hikes to unlock later decease on the emperor sky.
He has called for "bold economic and fiscal steps" and is on record as favoring tax hikes.
People's anticipation of inflation had been enhanced, and it would put further pressure on price hikes, according to the report.
Scott like to rough it in the woods on weekend hikes.
Insofar as it did, it was because tariffs were a form of tax increase - but in that case you should be focusing on the whole range of fiscal actions, not just the tariff hikes.
With the new round of speed hikes, passenger trains traveling between Beijing and Guangzhou, and on other key rail routes, will upgrade their speed to a record high of 200 kilometers per hour.
With the new round of speed hikes, passenger trains traveling between Beijing and Guangzhou, and on other key rail routes, will upgrade their speed to a record high of 200 kilometers per hour.