The problem with getting agreement on tax matters is that the interests of big countries are not aligned-indeed there is vigorous competition on tax.
This is why there is no international standard on tax evasion or tax competition along the lines of international standards on bank regulation or fighting financial crime.
Later on, however, we found that the adjustment of export tax rebate may have side effects, and it was inconsistent with the principle of equal competition.
At full employment, a cut in the employer contribution to the payroll tax would soon be passed on to workers, as competition drives up wages.
We fully support the OECD's work in the Forum on harmful Tax Competition which has identified 47 measures in member countries as potentially harmful.
This paper analyses the positive and negative effects of international tax competition, and provide OECD provision on the harmful international tax competition.
The countries offer more favorite tax policies competitively, which forms over competition on tax what we called harmful tax competition.
At the same time in these countries, tax competition on the domestic longitudinal study deeper.
On the whole, the present added value tax has strengthened the unity and seriousness of tax. It favours the equal competition among the enterprises.
On the whole, the present added value tax has strengthened the unity and seriousness of tax. It favours the equal competition among the enterprises.