A. the Body of Christ as the one new man is God's masterpiece, His poem, created in Himself through His death and resurrection to express His infinite wisdom and divine design-vv. 10, 15.
The new conflict is more dangerous than the traditional one between man and his fellow man, where the protagonists at least shared a common language.
One day,a man in a new car was driving down the road.
Another man helping to build Little Rocks new Excelsior Hotel asked me to remember that while the state needed more taxes, he was in his last day on the job and didn't have another one waiting.
ONE measure of Japan’s dysfunction is the way its system allows weak politicians to rise to the top then spits out each new prime minister in favour of the next unexceptional man.
"It was wonderful," explained the man, "not only were we on time in one of TWA's brand new planes, but it was overbooked and they bumped us up to first class."
Alfred Marshall, the man most responsible for Keynes's career choice, was also the one most responsible for the new way of thinking.
One day in the afternoon, in the garden of the famous Giant Elephant Group Headquarter Building located in Manhattan, New York, a gray-haired old man was concentrating on trimming low shrubs.
To put a smile on homeless children's faces at this time of year, one man in New Orleans, Louisiana, organizes a Christmas party for what he calls the "Forgotten Angels."
There awas once a foolish man. One day he wanted to go to the market to buy a pair of new shoes.
The common ancestor is, however, too recent for the new species to be a remnant of the first human excursion from Africa, the one that led to Java man and Peking man, now known as Homo erectus.
If he's strictly a CD man, burn one for him with some new tunes you think he'd like.
One man took calling in sick to new extremes after he had his friend shoot him the shoulder so he could miss work.
Combine that with swimming prowess and the ability to outrun a man, and I, for one, welcome our new Nile monitor overlords.
One New Jersey man decided to paint the exterior of his house to save money.
One day, a man in a new car was driving down the road.
One of those programs was designed by a man named Alan Mendelsohn, an associate professor of pediatrics at New York University School of Medicine.
这些项目中有一个是由Alan Mendelsohn,纽约大学医学院的儿科副教授设计的。
According to a new global Humanitarian Forum (GHF) report, global warming may be one of the deadliest threats to man yet.
One day, she pitched her idea for a new talk show to a man who worked for NBC radio.
So now you cured. And now you need a new man. I bring you one, from praying.
So he dismissed his former honest price maker, and appointed this man to be the new one.
ONE measure of Japan's dysfunction is the way its system allows weak politicians to rise to the top then spits out each new prime minister in favour of the next unexceptional man.
New media is man one of the greatest inventions and social changes have a great influence the media.
New media is man one of the greatest inventions and social changes have a great influence the media.