A newly born Madagascar Lemur, an endangered species, at Besancon Zoo in France. There are only 17 living in captivity worldwide.
Two species, the Scimitar-horned oryx and pere David's deer are extinct in the wild, and only live on in captivity.
Fading pulse.IHB keeps a few finless porpoises in captivity, but a 10-year ban on Yangtze fishing may be their only hope of survival in the wild, argues Wang Ding.
The foundation, which is based at the White Oak Conservation Center, says only about 17,500 rhinos remain in the wild with another 1,200 living in captivity.
In the story, a witch raises two children in captivity, allowing the boy to see only day and the girl only night.
Macarena Gelman was born in captivity and raised by a Uruguayan policeman, discovering her true identity only in 2000.
According to the Chengdu base, only a third to a half of pandas born in Chinese captivity manage to survive past infancy.
Only 15 percent of the hyenas solved the problem in the wild, but in captivity, the animals showed a success rate of 80 percent.
In the story, a witch raises two children in captivity 21, allowing the boy to see only day and the girl only night.
Only the Chinese have successfully bred pandas and raised their babies in captivity.
Only the Chinese have successfully bred pandas and raised their babies in captivity.