Second, make something that only you can do it.
No Buddha can do it, no Jesus can do it, only you can do it.
You must take the way toward discovering you, and only you can do it.
Others can stop you temporarily , but only you can do it permanently.
You can do it only in your mind, and you can also keep a diary or take notes to do it.
No matter what you do, you can only succeed if you love what you're doing and pay enough attention to it.
If you do it every day, it will only take a few minutes and you can start each new day with a clean and tidy desk.
Coach Graham knew there was really only one way to teach kids how to make it stronger: You give them something they can't do; they work hard until they find they can do it, and you just keep repeating.
You can do almost everything with it, you imagination is the only border.
You can only do so if you truly believe it.
You can see or do something a million times, but you can only see or do it for the first time once.
It can be hard to justify taking time for such an exercise when there seem to be far more important things to work on, but this is the only way you can break free - so just trust me and do it.
It gave me happiness and a glow that can only be felt when you do something right.
As you can see, not only do it staffers from different organizations have to start meeting with each other, but their corresponding business staffers need to do likewise.
The idea is simple; if you only solve a problem once, you can take the time to do it well.
If you do not have an overall cache policy design, it can not only give you bad performance, but can also invoke some functional defects.
When the world’s greatest living painter can’t do justice to his theme, can only render it as blurred and almost unseeable, you get a sense of its enormity.
Notice the rhetoric here: HP isn't saying with confidence it's the only company to usher in the new cloud economy, it's asking you who else can do it.
You can't buy someone's book, expecting it to change your life. Only you can do that.
The only thing it can do is to collect moisture you know.
You don't need to use it in a negative way at all; rather, you can use it effectively to do only those things you want to do rather than the things you feel obligated to do.
An inbox is only useful as a place to collect everything that’s important, to get it out of your head so that you can do something with it.
一个收集器只是一个收集任何重要事情的有用地方,让你清空脑袋以至于你可以真正处理事情 。
You can only do that if you own the channel, and even then you don't make much from it, because a toll has to be ignorable to work.
There's a lot you can do wrong, and only a few ways to get it right.
In any walk of life, if you want other people to take notice of you, you can only do it by relying on solid achievements and sound abililty.
But it can't return my love. Only you can do that.
Even a girl can do it. Only you can't.
Isn't it only fair that you do everything you can to create a rewarding job experience?
Isn't it only fair that you do everything you can to create a rewarding job experience?