Each group made bacterial cultures from the samples collected from operational site before sterilization, and counted up the rate of postoperative incision infection.
At present, many enterprises in our country have the insufficiency in the operational site arrangement, which causes the enterprise worker to be easy fatigue and low efficiency.
Operational data store of a web site.
It opened in February on IBM's Research Triangle Park campus, the company's largest U.S. site, and has since been collecting the operational data to qualify for the LEED gold certification.
They have just selected a site in Iowa, and hope to be operational by 2011.
The firm added that replacement transformers would be delivered in mid-September and the site fully operational by mid-October.
According to operational states of damper, project personnel select 2 each type of dampers and take down site installation locations to make performance test.
Operational conditions: conduct leveling at proper time according to site temperature and humidity condition.
Establish and improve various rules and regulations, systems, improve operational effectiveness of site management.
Additionally, we did not see any issue with the operational status of your hosting account and your site appears to be setup and accessible without issue.
Focusing on overall operational aspects of the future integrated site inclusive of safety, security, logistics, day-to-day operational effectiveness as well as IP protection.
This paper analyzes the design problem of temporary electricity and some other operational and managerial problems in the construction site and proposes corresponding solutions.
It is already being successfully used in practical on site application, for monitoring optimized operation of boilers, and is thus effectively raising the boilers' operational performance.
Cold welding process should be adopted with strict requirements for technical operational procedure, and technical problems for tyre welding on site can be solved.
By end of 2009 the project will be completed and the site fully operational.
Incorporation with in-site operational practice, the paper suggests most suitable and effective preventive measures.
By now I had developed a hypersensitivity to the sun and UV radiation, a major obstacle to my operational and site research responsibilities within the company.
Information on the Web site for coverage of the decrease will also affect the decline in the quality of online services, the local impact of operational information and can be extended.
The DMF should describe the manufacturing site, equipment capabilities, and operational layout.
Site includes front and back operational management of two main parts.
The machine is also designed to enable it to be operational at the customer's site within a few days of its delivery.
The machine is also designed to enable it to be operational at the customer's site within a few days of its delivery.