Or more importantly, consistently achieve this happiness?
Or more importantly, will I know how to take care of myself?
Or more importantly, how many can we afford to have, both economically and environmentally?
Getting angry - or more importantly, NOT getting angry - is totally within your control, if you work at it.
Canned Goat's Milk - for supplementing kits, or more importantly, as a replacement in case the mother.
But it's this package's specific plans, or more importantly, its lack of certain plans, that irritated investors.
Value, or more importantly, perception of value will be a huge factor in determining the monetary value of a high-end tablet.
Let's hope it doesn't affect our performance tomorrow night, or more importantly, tomorrow if we are drawn to play our first match.
In this respect, it would resemble Spenser's Faerie Queene, or perhaps, more importantly, Virgil's Aeneid—other nationalist epics.
What can be both red or green, round or sharp, big or small, and more importantly, loved or hated by someone?
More importantly I have to explain to them why we think this, and to admit to them that we don't yet fully understand how or why this happened.
More importantly, it does not have to assume anything about the structure or syntax of the URI it used to fetch that representation.
But more importantly, arrays are a very convenient representation for collections of data that flow between an application and stored procedures or between stored procedures.
Or perhaps more importantly, what if you have an existing piece of business logic you want to be a publisher, even if it is currently implemented with a point-to-point interaction pattern?
More importantly, metrics must be feasible to capture and store, otherwise they might not be worth the cost or could be incomplete or inaccurate.
Men love what they see - the curves - but more importantly, they love the thought or fantasy of what's hidden.
More importantly, having money coming in the door puts you in a much more powerful position when it comes to your next round of funding or acquisition talks.
Just as importantly, the terrorist threat has been joined or overtaken by other problems, some of which feel more urgent and others which seem more important.
Even more importantly, they don't want to spend hours configuring their computers to work with every new piece of hardware, or have to worry about constant software updates.
More importantly, you can see the test progress trend over time for the number of test cases and number that have of passed or failed.
It lets the architect or development lead create high, low, and (more importantly) most likely estimates for a task or component.
More importantly, tests that were run on build 3 and not rerun later in the cycle may have missed a defect introduced in builds 4 or later.
They disregarded the publicly available information on the Turkish group organizing the flotilla and, more importantly, sent forces to intercede without any serious training or accurate intelligence.
More importantly, the industry-wide practice of paying out about half of net revenues to employees looks a lot less palatable for shareholders once mediocre or bad banks are taken into account.
More importantly, the people you want to communicate with can use it just like any other HTTP URI; no plug-ins or add-ons are needed.
How does such a team decide how to run demos effectively; or perhaps more importantly, how to get ongoing feedback?
More importantly, they didn't want to have to maintain a dozen or more copies of the event calendar anywhere.
But more importantly, it is turning into what has come to be called a "cloud", or collections of clouds.
More importantly, any of the developed components (such as the adapter services or partner profile services) can be re-used without affecting the operation of the purchase order process.
More importantly, any of the developed components (such as the adapter services or partner profile services) can be re-used without affecting the operation of the purchase order process.