So if you want to take a page from Kate's book at your next awkward family gathering (or during flu season), keep your clutch in both hands and smile politely.
So, how do you start a meaningful conversation with someone new and avoid embarrassments or awkward moments of silence?
Those awkward silences that so many other personality types hate might be completely normal for an INTJ or ISFJ who have known each other for a long time.
I wouldn't recommend someone try out this plan if they're so socially awkward they wouldn't be able to talk to a stranger without coming off as really weird or off putting.
Most people are awkward or nervous in social situations, so if you take the pressure off of them, they'll love you for it and see you as more attractive.
Regardless of you are the sorrow or extremely painful, is disturbed or awkward, so long as has that flash heart movement is happy.
Either I'm No. 1 or I'm a Grand Slam champion, but not No. 2, it just sounds awkward to me because I've been up there for so, so long.
Either I'm No. 1 or I'm a Grand Slam champion, but not No. 2, it just sounds awkward to me because I've been up there for so, so long.