A company often alters the appearance of its brand or trademark logos to suit the product.
The use of these logos is limited to the programme or project concerned.
You can then customise the look and feel by selecting from the logos and wallpapers provided, or you can upload your own to give your respin that personal touch.
Other logos or product and company names mentioned herein may be the property of their respective owners.
The Web site is relatively small and is being hosted by IBM, but it contains no IBM branding, logos, or marketing messages.
All other trademarks, product names and company names or logos cited in this Website are the property of their respective owners.
Indeed, many of the logos shown will probably mean nothing to most of the traveling public - we doubt many non-travel people know or care what ITA, Sabre or Amadeus are!
The food and parties are going to be amazing, the swag will be exceptional and free of corporate logos, everyone will be issued a public transit pass and encouraged to walk or take public transit.
And not just any bags, but ones marked with brand logos - the more upscale or upbeat the better.
It is (or includes) one of the official logos or designs used by the Wikimedia Foundation or by one of its projects.
Trademark. All logos and trademarks displayed or used on the website belong to Actions, except as otherwise noted.
As a new commercial sign, the unique icon for App logos in the mobile internet not only can identify the sources of products or services but also becomes a rare resource.
In a series of experiments, the scientists showed volunteers logos from several fast-food chains or asked them to recall the last time they'd visited.
Rather than seeing a pattern, logos or even rationality in the process of reality, Schopenhauer believed the world to be driven by an a-rational 'will'.
Most have strict rules regarding the use of their logos, be it the font style, color or graphics.
You are not allowed to use any of such trademarks, logos and service marks without the Company's or such other parties' written consent.
The homemade trucker hats with goofy slogans that he became known for on "30 Rock" were occasionally adorned with references or logos recognizable only to table tennis fans.
All other trademarks, logos and service marks mentioned, displayed or otherwise indicated on the Site are the property of their respective owners.
There aren't any flashy logos, or any embellishments that other units have, and other than the usual rail sticker on the side, nothing says Jeantech on the box.
You understand may not use any of the trademarks, service marks, logos, or copyrighted materials owned by INETGLOBAL or by any third party.
The entries should contain the drawing (s) of the logo, its name and description. The candidate logos can be represented by a single draft design or multiple drawings of different colors.
I also provide an example class that allows a bitmap to be used as the caption background, e. g. for logos, or wood or stone effects.
As a buyer or importer it's crucial that you designate clearly and later verify the colors that are used in your products' packaging, materials, product markings, and above all, logos and trademarks.
The feature of our products is that we can print different kinds of patterns or logos and even we can dye on the film according to your requirement.
As a side note, any graphics created for the Web, such as logos or buttons should also use the 216 Web safe colors.
As a side note, any graphics created for the Web, such as logos or buttons should also use the 216 Web safe colors.