The test consists of questions on listening, reading, writing and oral comprehension, with scores ranging on a scale from 1 to 9.
Although it's not the most accurate way to take a temperature, you can also use an oral thermometer for an armpit (axillary) reading.
Good oral English; good written and reading English.
Reading aloud is also a way to practice oral.
Oral speech culture is a kind of "listening" culture; printing culture is a kind of "reading" culture; and visual culture is a kind of "looking" culture.
Instead of a final exam, there will be written and oral assignments throughout the term. They will be based on the reading assignments.
Although it 's not the most accurate way to take a temperature, you can also use an oral thermometer for an armpit (axillary) reading.
We are following the same curriculum but we've adapted it to teach oral English in addition to reading and writing.
Extensive reading, writing and oral communication are very close to the true life.
Reading will also begin to sound similar to self oral communication as we improve in speed.
Oral language ability, family reading background, basic perceptual processing and motor skills have influences on reading's different component.
There will also be occasions for you to make one substantial oral presentation to the class and to be responsible for leading class discussions of the reading and films.
Good at reading and written in English, communication by oral in English.
The macroscopic system of new teaching material is made of reading, writing and oral communication, the three elements are same important.
There are a lot of English classes for us tolearn, such as Basic English, Oral English, Listening, Reading, Writing, Translation, Grammar, English Literature, and so on.
The vast majority of managers' interactions with others are oral. Managers generally spend very little time reading, and even less time writing reports.
Now teach us English High teachers, attaches great importance to our oral practice in the classroom with us, he insisted on reading aloud, this is the level of our oral has been greatly improved.
Therefore, reading is one of the most effective methods in oral training.
The assignments in this class consist of 4 written theme discussion reports, 3 written laboratory reports, approximately 3 oral paper presentations, and reading of some 30 papers.
Image society led by the mass media dissolved the oral society and literate society. Then reading activities become normalized and specified.
Fluent tin oral English, with fairly good of reading and writing ability; Speaking authentic Mandarin-Chinese.
Deep dyslexia is a specific reading disorder. This type of dyslexia provides evidence for the existence of semantic route in oral reading.
Basic English language skills in oral communication, reading.
Good English in oral, written and reading.
Also, the words of speaking and listening form oral English as the words of reading and writing are combined together to form written English.
Fluent in Oral, reading and writing English, CET-6 above or TOEIC-Certificate holders highly preferred.
英语读、写、口语熟练,首选CET - 6以上或雅思成绩单持有者。
Fluent in Oral, reading and writing English, CET-6 above or TOEIC-Certificate holders highly preferred.
英语读、写、口语熟练,首选CET - 6以上或雅思成绩单持有者。