• 家里大堆等你拆呢。

    There's a stack of unopened mail waiting for you at the house.


  • 今天上午大堆活儿

    I have a whole bunch of stuff to do this morning.


  • 大堆活儿

    I've got stacks of work to do.


  • 上司快下班大堆工作做。

    The boss usually heaps work on me just when it's time to go home.


  • 我见大堆一大堆名人

    I have seen lots and lots of famous people.


  • 大堆额外的工作

    You have involved me in a great deal of extra work.


  • 他们面临大堆官僚制度

    They are faced with a mountain of bureaucracy.


  • 银行遇到了大堆烦心的事。

    I had a lot of aggro at the bank.


  • 从桌上大堆抽出了

    She fished a piece of paper out of the pile on her desk.


  • 总是未被请求即提供大堆建议

    She's always full of unsolicited advice.


  • 吉姆大叔孩子带来了大堆礼物

    Uncle Jim brought a whole load of presents for the kids.


  • 口说出了那大堆气话

    The words burst from her in an angry rush.


  • 这份报告只是大堆废话。

    The report is just full of waffle.


  • 年底总是积压一大堆工作

    Work always piles up at the end of the year.


  • 一大堆工作

    I've got masses of work to do.


  • 大堆工作必须

    He had plenty of work to do.


  • 一大堆工作

    There's masses of work for her to do.


  • 一大堆事情

    I have a hundred and one things to do.


  • 辈子还从没有听到过这么大堆胡说八道

    I've never heard such a load of old codswallop in my life.


  • 获得大堆

    He's won a whole clutch of awards.


  • 工作另外还有儿子大堆麻烦事

    She's been very busy at work and then there was all that trouble with her son.


  • 几乎每天冰淇淋——大堆

    She has ice-cream most every day--dead loads of it.


  • 我们必须正视大堆的错误忍受

    We must face a sea of troubles and bear them.


  • 其中气喘吁吁地带来大堆文件

    One of the men panting brought him a tremendous pile of papers.


  • 堆积大堆然后中间挖了个洞。

    He gathered a huge mass of snow and dug out a hole in the middle.


  • 并不期望为了这次作业大堆关于鲸鱼

    I don't expect you to read a dozen books on whales for this assignment.


  • 所说大堆粉饰之词。

    What he said was a load of whitewash.


  • 这些公司大堆理由做这件事

    These companies have a lot of convincing to do.


  • 它们可以代替大堆旧式媒介

    They can replace a huge pile of old style media.


  • 他们大堆试卷打分

    They have got a pile of exam papers to mark.


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