• 公司严格纪律没有偷懒

    Discipline in the company was strict and no one shirked.


  • 接纳成员工作受到严格控制

    The acceptance of new members is strictly controlled.


  • 作业之类的事要求非常严格

    She's very strict about things like homework.


  • 严格安全措施首都实施

    Strict security measures are in force in the capital.


  • 体育运动严格行为规范

    The sport has a strict code of conduct.


  • 严格纪律执行者名声

    He has a reputation for being a strict disciplinarian.


  • 他们子女一向十分严格

    They were always very strict with their children.


  • 这个国家新闻出版事业受到严格控制

    The country's press is rigorously controlled.


  • 这个行业严格管理

    The industry is strictly regulated.


  • 法国隐私非常严格

    French privacy laws are very strict.


  • 严格说来,这不算违法

    It wasn't illegal in the strict sense (of the word).


  • 严格指示不得打扰她。

    She left strict instructions that she was not to be disturbed.


  • 今年政府公共开支规定严格限额

    The government has set strict limits on public spending this year.


  • 海上保险一系列严格规章条例所制约。

    Marine insurance is governed by a strict series of rules and regulations.


  • 必须严格执行限速规定。

    The speed limit must be rigidly enforced.


  • 严格说来,这部小说不能算长篇,而是短篇

    Strictly speaking, the book is not a novel, but a short story.


  • 当今生活严格划分为工作休闲两部分

    Life today is rigidly compartmentalized into work and leisure.


  • 资讯发布严格限制人们需要知道的范围之内。

    Information will be released strictly on a need-to-know basis.


  • 他们制订了严格客户服务标准。

    They set high standards of customer service.


  • 所学校纪律严格而名闻遐迩

    The school has a reputation for high standards of discipline.


  • 幸存者们指控安全标准严格

    There have been allegations from survivors that safety standards had been lax.


  • 我们严格执行我们竞选方案

    We are going to execute our campaign plan to the letter.


  • 他们执行严格挑选的录取政策

    Their admissions policy is very selective.


  • 对手下要求极为严格

    He was an exacting man to work for.


  • 严格说来交战

    Technically (speaking) , the two countries are still at war.


  • 这些措施包括媒体报道严格管理

    The measures include tight control of media coverage.


  • 一罪行必须严格依法审理

    This crime must be treated with the full rigour of the law.


  • 条消息严格保密

    I wasn't very successful at keeping the news secret.


  • 严格遵照指示办的。

    I followed your instructions to the letter.


  • 严格贸易限制妨碍经济增长

    Tighter trade restrictions might cramp economic growth.


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