• 这个乐队破坏旅馆房间出名

    The band was famous for trashing hotel rooms.


  • 乐迷们这个乐队完全着迷了。

    The fans went totally gaga over the band.


  • 这个乐队正在重新合成一些曲目

    The band is remixing some tracks.


  • 他们今年走红的乐队之一。

    They are one of this year's hot new bands.


  • 打算巡回演出结束后离开乐队

    She intends to split from the band at the end of the tour.


  • 这个文娱节目民歌乐队演出

    The entertainment was provided by a folk band.


  • 乐队使全世界观众狂热痴迷

    This band has thrilled audiences all over the world.


  • 乐队歌迷越来越年轻了

    The band's fans are getting younger.


  • 乐队歌曲已开始在电台热播

    The band is starting to get a lot of airplay.


  • 幕间休息后第二乐队开始演奏

    After intermission, the second band played.


  • 据说这个乐队已经决定解散

    The band have reportedly decided to split up.


  • 我们已经婚宴预约乐队

    We've booked a band for the wedding reception.


  • 这个乐队将要进行巡回演出

    The band will be going on tour.


  • 乐队美国录制唱片去了。

    The band is back in the US recording their new album.


  • 乐队跟着伴奏带在模拟演唱

    The band was miming to a backing tape.


  • 乐队出场观众欣喜若狂

    The crowd went crazy when the band came on stage.


  • 乐队最后演奏节奏缓慢舞曲

    The band finished with a few slow dances.


  • 乐队首张专辑有几很棒的曲子

    The band did some great stuff on their first album.


  • 乐队正在法国巡回演出。

    The band is on tour in France.


  • 人们说乐队位居榜首。

    The band is being tipped for the top.


  • 乐队现在要去征服世界

    The band is now setting out to conquer the world.


  • 乐队使音乐厅爆满。

    The band can still pack out concert halls.


  • 乐队将于下周发行新的单曲唱片。

    The band releases its new single next week.


  • 乐队登台观众一片疯狂。

    There was mass hysteria when the band came on stage.


  • 一支蹩脚的乐队在演奏

    There was a naff band playing.


  • 主意而且我们还可以乐队

    Hey, that's an idea! And we could get a band, as well.


  • 离开乐队专职写作

    He is leaving the band to concentrate on his writing.


  • 乐队一支华尔兹舞曲。

    The band struck up a waltz.


  • 这个乐队日本走红。

    The band's very big in Japan.


  • 这个乐队走红了

    I think this band is going to be huge.


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