• 那次偶然会面改变一生

    It was a chance meeting that would change my life.


  • 他们分手几年以后巴黎偶然相遇

    Several years after they'd split up they met again by chance in Paris.


  • 定数还是偶然人们带到一起

    Is it destiny that brings people together, or is it accident?


  • 海伦演员完全出于偶然

    Helen got into acting purely by accident.


  • 这次偶然相遇段持久友情开始

    This chance meeting was the start of an enduring friendship.


  • 他们仅仅偶然而已。

    Their early arrival was just an accident.


  • 看见封信纯属偶然

    I saw the letter purely by chance.


  • 他们相遇纯属偶然

    They met by pure chance.


  • 男人担任护理大多数最重要工作绝非偶然

    It is no accident that men fill most of the top jobs in nursing.


  • 附近所学校参观偶然发现了这个问题

    She discovered the problem by accident during a visit to a nearby school.


  • 关于偶然自由意志哲学问题紧密相联的。

    The philosophical problems of chance and of free will are closely related.


  • 有一偶然发现了埃玛日记,便开始了起来。

    One day he chanced upon Emma's diary and began reading it.


  • 认为我们相遇不是偶然的—肯定知道去那里

    I didn't think our meeting was accidentalhe must have known I would be there.


  • 生活成功并不会是偶然发生的。

    Success in life doesn't happen by accident.


  • 勤奋可能成功,这绝非偶然

    It's no accident that diligent people are more likely to succeed.


  • 很难知道偶然发生还是有意为之。

    It was hard to know whether it happened by accident or by design.


  • 这个地点偶然发现。

    The site came to light only by chance.


  • 偶然发现一个男孩街上漂亮的卡片

    I accidentally found a boy was making beautiful cards in the street.


  • 如此中国电影古代帝国为背景并非偶然

    It's no accident that so many Chinese films are set in the imperial past.


  • 今天早上偶然遇到一位来自印度交换

    I had a chance encounter with an exchanged student from India this morning.


  • 我们偶然相会。

    We met together by accident.


  • 这个农场生活纯属偶然

    I came to live at the farm by happenstance.


  • 抽屉里偶然发现一些照片

    She came across some old photographs in a drawer.


  • 偶然发现桥下孩子

    I came across children sleeping under bridges.


  • 此病不会通过偶然接触传染

    The disease is not spread by casual contact.


  • 栋大楼里偶然遇到什么人了吗?

    Did you encounter anyone in the building?


  • 这个信息只是偶然得到的。

    The information was only discovered incidentally.


  • 偶然遇见一位出国留学朋友

    I ran across one of my friends who had gone abroad for further study.


  • 阁楼偶然发现了一些照片

    I came across some old photos in the attic.


  • 偶然发现了秘密线索

    He happened on a clue to the mystery.


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