• 旅行夜间住宿包含在内的。

    Travel and overnight accommodation are included.


  • 7575以上分数就是优等。

    You get an A grade for scores of 75 and over.


  • 设备办公用品装箱运走了。

    Equipment and office supplies were crated and shipped.


  • 女儿群小孩子共餐。

    I had dinner with my girl and the kiddies.


  • 胜利现在对于来说已遥不可

    Victory is now out of her reach.


  • 这根绳子地面依然有余

    The rope was plenty long enough to reach the ground.


  • 我们保单全面承保火灾盗窃风险

    Our policy offers complete protection against fire and theft.


  • 女性往往家庭职责期望值约束

    Women are too often constrained by family commitments and by low expectations.


  • 酒店最近进行了重新设计装修

    The hotel has recently been redesigned and redecorated.


  • 此致琼斯伉俪子女

    I addressed it to Mr and Mrs Jones and family.


  • 我们生活受到工作家庭电视的约束。

    Our lives are bounded by work, family and television.


  • 这部作品充满似非而是模棱两可之处

    It's a work full of paradox and ambiguity.


  • 许多提供幼儿看护的机构人手设备不足。

    Many institutions offering child care are understaffed and underequipped.


  • 妇女儿童受欺压主要根源在于父权制度。

    The main cause of women's and children's oppression is patriarchy.


  • 这种自行车设计减少了曳力影响

    The design of the bicycle reduces the effects of wind resistance and drag.


  • 乘飞机住酒店费用委员会支付

    Her airfare and hotel expenses were paid by the committee.


  • 家里父母两个姊妹生活令人感到压抑。

    Life at home with her parents and two sisters was stifling.


  • 许多因素很重要阶级性别年龄民族

    Many factors are important, for example class, gender, age and ethnicity.


  • 监狱女性少数民族犯人近几年猛增了。

    The jail's female and minority populations have both ballooned in recent years.


  • 伊莎贝尔酒杯放在桌上伸手的地方。

    Isabelle placed a wine cup on the table within his reach.


  • 他们夸大客户受伤治疗的情况欺骗保险公司

    They inflated their clients' medical injuries and treatment to defraud insurance companies.


  • 媒体歪曲人们的话语误传人们的本意作风可耻的。

    It's a shame the way the media can twist your words and misrepresent you.


  • 如果自己一事而自豪就是她的公开光明正大

    If there was one thing she prided herself on, it was being open and aboveboard.


  • 打电话必须留下自己完整姓名用于联络详细资料

    You must leave your full name and contact details when you phone.


  • 供应商计算机耗材办公设备家具加进他们产品范围中。

    Suppliers add computer consumables, office equipment and furniture to their product range.


  • 按照这方案,布雷肯里奇与其同名滑雪将会繁荣起来

    The town of Breckenridge and its namesake ski area could prosper under the plan.


  • 奥瑞克斯公司一家以达拉斯为基地的石油天然气勘探生产公司

    Oryx is a Dallas-based oil and gas exploration and production concern.


  • 独具创意室内设计至少7部电影电视节目中得到了不朽之名。

    His original interior design is immortalized in at least seven film and television shows.


  • 虽然《阿斯塔篇幅冗长、情节复杂,但不失为丰富有益读物

    Despite its length and convoluted plot, "Asta's Book" is a rich and rewarding read.


  • 清洁镜面窗户

    Please clean mirrors and windows.


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