• 这些场合往往容易动感情

    He tends to get emotional on these occasions.


  • 他们穿着那种场合很不得体

    They were unsuitably dressed for the occasion.


  • 三个不同场合发生过。

    It happened on three separate occasions.


  • 衣着不大适合这个场合

    He was improperly dressed for the occasion.


  • 婚礼一个激动人心的场合

    A wedding is an emotionally charged situation.


  • 不同程度注重礼节适用不同场合

    Different levels of formality are appropriate in different situations.


  • 特殊场合所以完好

    I only use that on special occasions, so it's as good as new.


  • 正式场合带上而言一种挑战

    Taking her with me on official occasions has been a challenge.


  • 这样一个场合怎么会有人看上去悲伤呢?

    How can anyone look sad at an occasion like this?


  • 这样重要场合最好不要首次试用新的食谱

    It's best not to try a new recipe for the first time on such an important occasion.


  • 外国客人使这个场合显出一种真正国际性的气氛。

    Foreign visitors help to give a truly international flavour to the occasion.


  • 今天早上签字仪式布置符合这种场合庄严气氛。

    The setting for this morning's signing ceremony matched the solemnity of the occasion.


  • 什么场合一样:在监狱医院诸如此类的地方。

    It's the same in any situation: in a prison, hospital or whatever.


  • 公共场合与哈克为伍。

    He did not care to have Huck's company in public places.


  • 这种场合这样的话相宜的

    What you said on the occasion was not appropriate.


  • 春节其他喜庆场合红色到处可见

    Red can be found everywhere during Chinese Spring Festival and other joyous occasions.


  • 它们出现在这种场合,它们关系相随

    They go with this occasion and they go with the relationships.


  • 痛苦的重压悲伤场合迫使下笔写作。

    Bitter constraint and sad occasion are forcing him to write.


  • 公共场合禁止吸烟

    It is forbidden to smoke in public places.


  • (买红酒)为了什么场合打算多少钱?

    What's the occasion and how much would you like to spend?


  • 不能指望这种场合的谈话会超越平常的客套。

    Conversation on such an occasion is not expected to soar above polite commonplaces.


  • 我们社交场合相识时间了。

    We have known each other socially for a long time.


  • 别人婚礼寻找启发绝佳场合

    Other people's weddings are the perfect hunting ground for ideas.


  • 音乐节青年音乐家展现才华场合

    The festival was a showcase for young musicians.


  • 擅长在公开场合演讲

    She was a brilliant public speaker.


  • 不在公共场合口香糖

    I do not chew gum in public.


  • 男女混杂场合愿意谈论这件事。

    I'd rather not talk about it in mixed company.


  • 公共场合举止无措

    She doesn't know how to behave in public.


  • 我们上班见面社交场合从未碰见过。

    We meet at work, but never socially.


  • 穿着跑步运动服出现场合可不大成体统。

    It wouldn't be quite the thing to turn up in running gear.


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