• 妈妈正在变成一个宗教狂热分子

    My mom is turning into a religious maniac.


  • 宗教团体现在可以公开集会了。

    Religious groups are now able to meet quite openly.


  • 宗教一向诲人行善的力量吗?

    Is religion always a force for good?


  • 这个村庄有趣的一点宗教

    The most interesting point about the village was its religion.


  • 他们修补破损宗教手工艺品

    They also repair broken religious artefacts.


  • 提及宗教肯定使感到窘迫

    Mentioning religion is a sure way to make him squirm.


  • 宗教的氛围中长大的吗?

    Were you brought up religiously?


  • 其他宗教非常包容的态度。

    He has a very tolerant attitude towards other religions.


  • 这种思想我们宗教不相容

    The idea is alien to our religion.


  • 宗教大多数生活还有关系吗?

    Is religion still relevant to most people's lives?


  • 我们超越种族性别宗教界限

    We want to cut across lines of race, sex and religion.


  • 大多数宗教假定生命存在

    Most religions posit the existence of life after death.


  • 早年开始一直在寻求宗教信仰

    He had been questing for religious belief from an early age.


  • 宗教信仰一直受到心不局限。

    His religious belief was always hedged with doubt.


  • 大多数宗教教你诚实

    Most religions teach you to be truthful.


  • 似乎某种宗教体验

    He seems to have had some sort of religious experience.


  • 是个相当刻板、有着很强宗教观念

    She was a fairly rigid person who had strong religious views.


  • 科学宗教信仰之间是否永远存在冲突?

    Is there always a conflict between science and religion?


  • 古代宗教经文谱曲引起很多人的兴趣

    He has attracted much interest by setting ancient religious texts to music.


  • 种族性别宗教信仰有所歧视非法

    It is illegal to discriminate on grounds of race, sex or religion.


  • 即使不和宗教搅在一起,这个问题已够了。

    It's difficult enough without muddying the issue with religion.


  • 整个核心问题摆脱以基督教中心宗教

    The whole point was to get away from a Christian-centered view of religion.


  • 政府应该颁布明确关于宗教教育内容指导方针

    The government should issue clear guidelines on the content of religious education.


  • 正在干涉人们宗教信仰,他们喜欢你这样做。

    You are messing with people's religion and they don't like that.


  • 梦想世界上各种宗教智慧融入到基督教。

    His vision is to blend Christianity with "the wisdom of all world religions."


  • 他们强烈地感到他们宗教信仰政治体制格格不入

    They feel strongly that their religion is incompatible with the political system.


  • 否则工作就会变成宗教信仰

    Otherwise, the work becomes religion or faith.


  • 否则工作就会变成宗教信仰

    Otherwise, the work becomes religion or faith.


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