• 他们计划挑战法律合宪法性。

    They plan to challenge the constitutionality of the law.


  • 可以信赖,他懂得应付挑战

    You can rely on him to respond to a challenge.


  • 主席面临职位最大挑战

    The chairwoman is up against the greatest challenge to her position.


  • 德国必须奋起应对更艰巨挑战

    The new Germany must rise to the challenge of its enhanced responsibilities.


  • 新生的民主国家面临严峻的挑战

    The new democracies face tough challenges.


  • 发起一个挑战但是人回应

    I called out a challenge, but there was no reply.


  • 战胜领导地位挑战

    She beat off a challenge to her leadership.


  • 说明他敢尝试一次类似挑战

    He said he's game for a similar challenge next year.


  • 希望最后能应付挑战

    I hope that he proves equal to the challenge.


  • 新政府面临第一挑战经济

    The new government's first challenge is the economy.


  • 那个法国人顶住了挑战攻击

    The Frenchman held his own against the challenger.


  • 喜欢接受挑战别人拒绝工作

    I relish the challenge of doing jobs that others turn down.


  • 这家公司今后几年将面临重大挑战

    The company faces major challenges over the course of the next few years.


  • 决心克服困难迎接挑战

    He was determined to rise to the challenge.


  • 正式场合带上而言一种挑战

    Taking her with me on official occasions has been a challenge.


  • 国际团体应该挑战面前退缩

    The world community should not flinch in the face of this challenge.


  • 昨晚这位世界冠军战胜了挑战者。

    The world champion conquered yet another challenger last night.


  • 比尔受到挑战的激励。

    Bill was stimulated by the challenge.


  • 扮演这个角色演艺生涯中最大挑战

    The role will be the biggest challenge of his acting career.


  • 环境破坏我们所面临严峻挑战之一

    Destruction of the environment is one of the most serious challenges we face.


  • 西方公司正在为迎接来自东方市场挑战作准备。

    Western companies were readying themselves for the challenge from Eastern markets.


  • 美国航空航天工业遭到一些强劲竞争产品挑战

    The American aerospace industry has been challenged by some stiff competition.


  • 经营这家商店10之后,决定罢手迎接新的挑战

    She ran this shop for ten years before deciding to move on to fresh challenges.


  • 许许多多成功面对这种挑战妇女身上获得力量

    I draw strength from the millions of women who have faced this challenge successfully.


  • 这个职位挑战克里姆林宫提供一个有力的政治基础

    The post will give him a powerful political base from which to challenge the Kremlin.


  • 反对党或许放弃他们局部利益站起来面对挑战

    Perhaps the opposed parties will lay aside their sectional interests and rise to this challenge.


  • 球员教练经理人经历已经使终极挑战作好了准备

    My experience as player, coach and manager has prepared me for this ultimate challenge.


  • 今年秋季可能再次推出一名掩护性候选人出来挑战,不排除这种可能性。

    The possibility of another stalking horse challenge this autumn cannot be ruled out.


  • Shirase最大的挑战时间

    Shirase'a biggest challenge was time.


  • 会去应付这个挑战吗?

    Do you deal with the challenge?


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