• 接着的一场争论

    An argument ensued.


  • 所能就是专注接着一步

    All you can do is focus on the next immediate step.


  • 接着一个星期天又飞回家待了两三天

    The next Sunday, I flew home again for a couple of days.


  • 接着表格1展示了这个连接信息

    Table 1, which follows, shows the connection information.


  • 接着第二话题便是本篇专栏文章主题:安全性

    A second continuing theme is security, the subject of this installment.


  • 搬进洗衣机/烘干机着的公寓时,是多少甜蜜的一天

    Oh, that sweet day when I moved into an apartment with a washer/dryer connection!


  • 齐了。”接着的再次重复更加明显地暴露出此刻头脑空空如也

    Everything, 'he repeated, with the emphasis of an empty brain.


  • 接着年时间里,没有一丝的长进,什么抱负愿望理想统统都给抛诸脑后了。

    For the next five years my life went nowhere, my ambition, hope, dreams were gone.


  • 接着就是玫瑰园里的魔力时刻

    Then came those magic moments in the rose garden.


  • 一阵反常寂静接着便是声尖叫。

    There was an unnatural silence and then a scream.


  • 接着没有警告的情况下,军队人群开了

    Then without warning, the troops opened fire on the crowd.


  • 接着转向卡片索引撕下有关马修·霍姆伍德的条目

    Then he turned to the card index and tore out the entry for Matthew Holmwood.


  • 倒吸了口气接着把事情的原委都告诉

    I gulped, and then proceeded to tell her the whole story.


  • 接着听到说话声音

    Next, I heard the sound of voices.


  • 确实感到尴尬接着发现事情好笑一面

    I was really embarrassed, but then I saw the funny side of it.


  • 法庭接着听取死者的父亲所请律师的陈述。

    The court then heard counsel for the dead woman's father.


  • 接着弯下腰好好看看那些纹身图案

    Then she bent over and gave him an eyeful of her tattoos.


  • 接着老人慢慢地了起来,露出了一表情

    Then, the old man's face wrinkled itself slowly into a new expression.


  • 第一感觉愤怒接着,突然没了脾气

    His first feeling was of anger; his next that his temper fell to zero.


  • 奖励进步然后一点的进步,接着是更大的进步。

    You first reward a hop, then a bigger hop, then an even bigger hop.


  • 接着讲了出生

    He proceeded to tell me of my birth.


  • 接着谈一下那个观点吗?

    Can I just pick up that guy's point?


  • 下面接着详细新闻报道

    A detailed news report will follow shortly.


  • 朱莉了敲房门接着将头探了进来。

    Julie tapped on my door and poked her head in.


  • 接着蒂姆未讲故事

    She took up the story where Tim had left off.


  • 接着得到了一个著名教授职位

    He went on to earn a prominent professorial position.


  • 接着一个经济繁荣尤其住房建筑方面

    An economic boom followed, especially in housing and construction.


  • 遗憾的是,消息接着好消息而来

    Unfortunately, bad news has come hard on the heels of good.


  • 听到打碎玻璃响声接着低声咒骂

    She heard the sound of breaking glass, followed by a muttered oath.


  • 曲子结束后紧接着就是的弦乐独奏

    The piece segues into his solo with the strings.


- 来自原声例句

进来说说原因吧 确定

进来说说原因吧 确定