• 改革可能只是画饼充饥而已

    Such reforms seem likely to remain little more than pious hopes.


  • 总统承诺改革卫生保健制度

    The President is committed to reforming health care.


  • 政府输掉关于改革速度辩论

    The government lost the argument over the pace of reform.


  • 人们普遍认识迫切需要改革

    There is a general recognition of the urgent need for reform.


  • 经济改革痛苦不见效的。

    Economic reform will continue to be painful and ineffective.


  • 改革今年下半年开始见效。

    Reforms will kick in later this year.


  • 这些改革不仅仅装点门面的。

    These reforms are not merely cosmetic.


  • 总统改革予以全力支持

    The president gave his full support to the reforms.


  • 关于改革必要性一致意见

    There is agreement on the necessity of reforms.


  • 福利改革政府当务之急

    Welfare reform is a top priority for the government.


  • 政府改革变得紧张胆小。

    The Government is getting cold feet about the reforms.


  • 这些改革视为是装饰门面。

    The reforms are seen as window dressing.


  • 富人不是全体国民得益于这些改革

    The rich benefited from the reforms, not the country as a whole.


  • 政府税务改革遇到相当大阻力

    The government is running up against considerable opposition to its tax reforms.


  • 劳动部长这些改革带来新的工作

    The labour secretary said the reforms would generate new jobs.


  • 预计这个报告会提出一些重大改革

    It is expected that the report will suggest some major reforms.


  • 这些改革最近已成为法律

    The reforms have recently become law.


  • 很多改革持怀疑态度。

    Many were suspicious of reform.


  • 仅有外资明显不够改革勉励不足。

    Foreign funds alone are clearly not enough, nor are exhortations to reform.


  • 国情咨文中,总统谈到竞选改革

    In his State of the Union message, the president talked about campaign reform.


  • 首相任何改革体制想法都不予考虑。

    The prime minister rejected any idea of reforming the system.


  • 这些改革早就该进行了。

    These reforms are long overdue.


  • 改革显然顺理成章的。

    Reforms are clearly in order.


  • 最近改革措施部长一个问题

    He put a question to the minister about the recent reforms.


  • 穷人受过教育的人改革表现最差

    The poor and uneducated did worst under these reforms.


  • 这个妥协使得以继续自由市场改革

    The compromise will allow him to continue his free market reforms.


  • 方面过早行动可能会激起改革的抵触。

    Premature moves in this respect might well provoke a reaction against the reform.


  • 这些改革给予能力较低儿童更好机会

    The reforms should give a better chance to the less able children.


  • 已经请求他们给予医疗保健改革方面支持

    He's already solicited their support on health care reform.


  • 政府必须加快改革步伐避免更多流血事件

    The government must increase the pace of reforms to avoid further bloodshed.


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