• 有力发球使卫冕冠军难以招架

    His powerful serve was too much for the defending champion.


  • 有力使紧握的松开。

    His strong hand eased the bag from her grip.


  • 这场运动需要一个有力协调人

    The campaign needs an effective coordinator.


  • 一个支持降低价格有力论据

    There's a strong argument for lowering the price.


  • 有力准确地击中了那个高尔夫

    He hit the golf ball powerfully and accurately.


  • 担任这个队长需要有力领导才能。

    Strong leadership is needed to captain the team.


  • 该党本国北部展开了强有力竞选运动。

    The party campaigned vigorously in the north of the country.


  • 有力一下手。

    He has a strong handshake.


  • 正手击球强劲有力

    She has a strong forehand.


  • 我们能够辩方整理十分有力论据

    I think we can put together a very strong case for the defence.


  • 温和执政风格有力认可

    This is a powerful endorsement for his softer style of government.


  • 信仰理智有力

    Faith is stronger than reason.


  • 只是自己表现得是个有力领导

    He just hasn't been able to project himself as the strong leader.


  • 如果经商的话,会是一位有力首席执行官

    If she were involved in business, she would make a strong chief executive.


  • 判处长期徒刑违法者起到有力的威慑作用。

    Long prison sentences can be a very effective deterrent for offenders.


  • 无疑是,支持有力中央集权观点迅速高涨。

    There is undoubtedly a groundswell of support for the idea of a strong central authority.


  • 实施制裁的威胁我们争取和平有力施压手段

    The threat of sanctions is our most powerful lever for peace.


  • 这个职位挑战克里姆林宫提供一个有力政治基础

    The post will give him a powerful political base from which to challenge the Kremlin.


  • 物理学一个发展出了有力抽象理论学科最好例证

    Physics is the best example of a science which has developed strong, abstract theories.


  • 沉默有时说话有力

    Silence sometimes is more powerful than using your voice.


  • 篇杂文极为深刻有力

    The essay is most penetrating and powerful.


  • 一个有力信息

    That's a powerful message.


  • 蓝色表明强壮有力

    Blue says that you are strong and powerful.


  • 文章简短有力

    His article was brief and forceful.


  • 习惯是个有力

    Routine is a powerful word.


  • 行为有力

    Your actions are powerful.


  • 本身锻炼我体能上很有力

    I don't work out per se, but I'm very active physically.


  • 封信给了所需一切有力证据

    The letter gave her all the ammunition she needed.


  • 黑暗中传来低沉有力嗓音

    A voice boomed out from the darkness.


  • 乐观主义有力根据。

    This is the most solid ground for optimism.


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