• 一些好的葡萄酒产自这个地区

    Some superlative wines are made in this region.


  • 6英里极好的18洞高尔夫球场。

    There is a superb 18-hole golf course 6 miles away.


  • 是个极好的父亲

    Ben's a wonderful father.


  • 是个极好的伙伴我们可以连续谈几个小时。

    He is a wonderful companion and we can talk for hours on end.


  • 好的幽默感非常搞笑

    He had a terrific sense of humour and could be very amusing.


  • 仍然前妻保持着极好的关系。

    He is still on excellent terms with his ex-wife.


  • 脂肪好的抵御寒冷隔热材料

    Fat is an excellent insulator against the cold.


  • 自产橙子巨大优势极好的味道

    The great advantage of home-grown oranges is their magnificent flavour.


  • 这件木制品抛光做工都是极好的

    The finish and workmanship of the woodwork were excellent.


  • 款待了他们极好的三文鱼午餐

    He gave them a splendid lunch of smoked salmon.


  • 婚礼好的录像主题

    A wedding is the perfect subject for video.


  • 有着极好的社交生活

    I have a fantastic social life.


  • 真是一部极好的电影

    It's a really neat movie.


  • 这本电影是工作场所闲聊的极好的谈资

    The movie makes for great conversation at the water cooler.


  • 乐队处于极好的状态表现得充满信心

    The band is in excellent form and brimming with confidence.


  • 快速发酵食物极好的天然泻药

    Foods that ferment quickly in the stomach are excellent natural laxatives.


  • 听起来是个极好的主意。努力实现吧!

    It sounds a great idea. Go for it !


  • 得到报酬虽然高,好的体验

    She didn't get paid much but it was all good experience.


  • 想出极好的借口

    She came up with the perfect excuse.


  • T恤衫可以成为一种极好的表达信息的媒介

    A T-shirt can be an excellent medium for getting your message across.


  • 一位极好的伴侣宽容完全是无私的

    She was a wonderful companion and her generosity to me was entirely selfless.


  • 是个极好的专辑新颖的多样的、有趣的。

    This is a fabulous album. It's fresh, varied, fun.


  • 杰克已经抚养了两个极好的孩子相信判断

    Jake has raised two incredible kids and I trust his judgement.


  • 截然不同看法监狱犯罪方面提供好的教育

    The contrary view is that prison provides an excellent educationin crime.


  • 得到了一份极好的工作薪水是原来的倍。

    I got a fantastic new job and my salary tripled.


  • 一个极好的问题因为对于生活来说如此真切

    This is an awesome question, because it's so true to life.


  • 我们可以失败看作是好的学习经历,而事实通常也是如此。

    We can look at failure as the incredible learning experience that it often is.


  • 然后他们海边度过极好的一周

    Then they spent a super week at the seaside.


  • 人民定义一个极好的大臣

    The people defined him as a wonderful minister.


  • 一种极好的概念当然应该实施

    This is a superb concept. It should certainly be done.


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