• 那条顺着山谷个大弯儿。

    The river loops around the valley.


  • 五角大楼成了一个圈。

    A group of people made a circle around the Pentagon.


  • 把绳索柱子上了三匝缠紧。

    He passed the rope around the post three times to secure it.


  • 联合收割机把庄稼田边了一长条

    The combine had cut a swathe around the edge of the field.


  • 城而过的旁路正在修建之中

    A new bypass around the city is being built.


  • 那条环湖一个

    The road went in a huge loop around the lake.


  • 护士一道帘子。

    The nurse put a screen around the bed.


  • 人造卫星100分钟地球旋转一圈

    The satellite revolves around the earth once every hundred minutes.


  • 我们一个大圈子

    We went the long way round.


  • 街区散步

    She took the dog for a walk around the block.


  • 必须很多波长才能这个圆周

    I have to have a whole number of wavelengths to get around the circumference.


  • 300千米高度地球运行。

    It will travel around the Earth at a height of 300 km.


  • 足够地球

    That's enough to circle the Earth twice.


  • 月球地球运行。

    The moon revolves around the earth.


  • 月亮地球运行。

    The moon rolls about the earth.


  • 我们地球相对来说比较赤道一周只有24902英里

    Our planet Earth is comparatively small, with only about 24,902miles around the equator.


  • 地球太阳一周要的时间。

    The earth takes a year to orbit the sun.


  • 人群中左拐右服务台

    She wormed her way through the crowd to the reception desk.


  • 我们一小段路参观城堡

    We made a short diversion to go and look at the castle.


  • 带子了一个圈挎在肩上

    He looped the strap over his shoulder.


  • 去了,告诉想要什么吧。

    Stop beating about the bush and tell me what you want.


  • 条路在群山去。

    The road weaves through a range of hills.


  • 往前片,他们发现尸体的那一截。

    Wind forward to the bit where they discover the body.


  • 新路城镇而过。

    A new road now bypasses the town.


  • 穿过人群

    She wound her way through the crowds.


  • 我们可以地球太阳运行的轨迹。

    We can draw the earth's orbit round the sun.


  • 昨天夜里错了路,一个圈子。

    Last night I got lost, and took a very roundabout way.


  • 钢丝弹簧均匀

    The wire spring is evenly coiled.


  • 的话住了。

    What you said confused him.


  • 必须明确回答这个问题, 想过去的。

    You must give a definite answer to the question. There's no getting round it.


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