• 那些规定已经过时而且令人费解。

    The regulations were out of date and confusing.


  • 提前清楚什么规定适合情况

    Find out ahead of time what regulations apply to your situation.


  • 新的规定大多数无大影响

    The new regulations will not make an appreciable difference to most people.


  • 这些规定要求雇主提供安全训练

    The rules also require employers to provide safety training.


  • 政制度规定,警察的番号必须醒目

    Police regulations prescribe that an officer's number must be clearly visible.


  • 没有什么硬性规定

    There are no hard and fast rules about this.


  • 孩子们制定的各种规定压制创造力

    Regulations on children stifled creativity.


  • 新的规定具有追溯效力。

    The new rule will be applied retrospectively.


  • 默认政府违反规定

    He tacitly admitted that the government had breached regulations.


  • 合同规定交货日期

    A delivery date is stipulated in the contract.


  • 规定禁止谈论这个话题

    The subject was ruled off-limits.


  • 战时实施不同规定

    Different rules applied in wartime.


  • 规定周起实施

    The new rules come into operation from next week.


  • 年轻人常常违反规定

    Young people often kick against the rules.


  • 安全规定忽视了

    Safety rules were disregarded.


  • 为了租户利益,条列给房东规定明确义务

    Regulations placed clear obligations on the landlord for the benefit of the tenant.


  • 根据卫生委员会规定挨家挨户访问持续进行了下去。

    House-to-house visitation has been carried on, under the regulations of the General Board of Health.


  • 合同明确规定可以操作机器

    The contract clearly specifies who can operate the machinery.


  • 我们这项工作规定期限

    We have to set a time limit for the work.


  • 法规关于惩罚措施的规定

    Penalties are laid down in the statute.


  • 他们规定时间地点会晤

    They were to meet at a given time and place.


  • 法律规定父母必须子女入学

    Parents are obliged by law to send their children to school.


  • 全体人员均规定时间召集到场。

    Everyone was assembled at the appointed time.


  • 规定自己每周至少锻炼

    He disciplined himself to exercise at least three times a week.


  • 这项工程必须规定期限完成

    The project must be completed within a specific time span.


  • 宣布,新的限速规定出台。

    It was announced that new speed restrictions would be introduced.


  • 许多规定饮食单调乏味都不奏效

    Many diets fail because they are boring.


  • 法律规定场边必须名医生

    According to law, a doctor must be present at the ringside.


  • 喜欢规定期限完成工作

    I prefer to work to a deadline.


  • 按照合同规定必须在月底付款

    You are bound by the contract to pay before the end of the month.


- 来自原声例句

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进来说说原因吧 确定