• 经过半年训练全队状态极佳

    After six months' training the whole team is in superb form.


  • 准备那场比赛加强训练

    He has stepped up his training to prepare for the race.


  • 他们仅仅受到过基本职业训练

    They were given only rudimentary training in the job.


  • 斯特罗恩正在赛季进行训练

    Strachan is training for the new season.


  • 训练赢得金牌去规划的。

    My training was geared toward winning gold.


  • 每星期当地游泳池训练

    She trained five times a week at her local swimming pool.


  • 士兵们一直一个秘密地方训练

    Soldiers have been training at a secret location.


  • 在疯地进行举重训练

    He was weight training like mad.


  • 这种训练不会长久效果。

    The training was of no lasting value.


  • 这些规定要求雇主提供安全训练

    The rules also require employers to provide safety training.


  • 他们飞机一次训练演习中坠毁了。

    Their aircraft went down during a training exercise.


  • 他们正在大赛进行训练

    They're in training for the big game.


  • 他们训练缺乏使公众成员面临风险。

    Their lack of training could put members of the public at risk.


  • 专业训练教会逻辑地看待事物

    My professional training has taught me to look at things logically.


  • 进行大量举重训练

    He does a lot of weight training.


  • 不想训练一个新手

    I don't want to have another rookie to train.


  • 为了跟贝利一决雌雄已经着手训练

    He's already in training for the big race against Bailey.


  • 摆脱自己的传统训练很长一段时间

    It's taken a long time to break out of my own conventional training.


  • 如果得到恰当训练,她成为一名演员

    She'll make a good actress, if she gets the right training.


  • 备战这场重要比赛队伍一直严格训练

    The team has been training hard in preparation for the big game.


  • 经过训练艺术行业是不会有多大作为的。

    You can't do much in the art line without training.


  • 孩子们接受了如何火警拉响时迅速离开教室训练

    The children were drilled to leave the classroom quickly when the fire bell rang.


  • 他们训练有素营养师提供有关饮食的可靠建议

    They are trained nutritionists who can give sound advice on diets.


  • 未经训练职员诸如谋杀等重案中提出建议常规做法

    It was standard practice for untrained clerks to advise in serious cases such as murder.


  • 自己宣言简明地概括成了“努力工作,努力训练,努力玩耍。”

    He succinctly summed up his manifesto as "Work hard, train hard and play hard."


  • 今天他们没有训练

    They are not training today.


  • 开始每天训练

    I began training every day.


  • 警察训练

    The officer trains the dog.


  • 我们员工接受手语训练

    All our staff have been instructed in sign language.


  • 我们员工接受手语训练

    All our staff have been instructed in sign language.


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