Fire safety standards in China are B1.
Vitamin B1, helps keep the nervous system.
B1 User enters web site address in the browser.
Have the highest wood fire-retardant grade B1.
For specification information on, see Appendix B1.
Cyclin B1, Rabbit anti-Hamster, Mouse, Hamster, Human.
周期素b 1,兔抗仓鼠,小鼠,仓鼠,人。
The application consists of four pages: b1, b2, b3, and b4.
This is NOT the same vitamin B1 you find in your multivitamins.
Vitamin B1 AIDS skin health by helping to keep the circulation normal.
In addition, it contains some useful elements for nerve cell such as vitamin B1.
Maybe when B1 through Bn take place, they set up some other processes in my soul.
也许当b 1到Bn发生时,我的灵魂产生了另一种过程。
Vitamin B1, known as thiamin, helps fuel your body by converting blood sugar into energy.
Name the baseline B1 and, in the Activity TAB, make sure that the activities are included.
At B1-66ER's murder trial, the prosecution argued for an owner's right to destroy property.
在B1- 66er的谋杀判决案中,检方赞成毁掉自己的机器人,是所有者的权利。
B for bodily. B1 through Bn; that's what death is. At least, that's what death of the body is.
An increment in B1 and B2 errors, without an increment in B3 errors is statistically improbable.
However, a burst of B1 errors can occur during the time the interface takes to declare the alarm.
The Web application allows two use cases: one starting from page b1 and one starting from page c1.
该Web应用程序允许两个用例:一种是从页面b1开始,一种是从页面c1 开始。
Although thiamine was the first vitamin to be called a vitamin it is also known to us as vitamin B1.
[See Figure 2.1.] So the events that I don't really know the details of, we can just call B1, B2, B3, up through Bn.
All potatoes are a healthy and tasty choice: naturally fat free, a source of vitamin c, vitamins B1 and B6 and folate.
The vitamins B1, B12 and folic acid are included due to their essential role in the metabolism of the amino acid homocysteine.
Objective To observe the localization and translocation of human high mobility group protein B1 (HMGB1) protein in eukaryotic cells.
目的观察人高迁移率族蛋白b 1 (HMGB1)在真核细胞内的定位和移位情况。
Before B1 begins, you've got the body working, functioning, in its bodily way--respirating, reproducing the cells, and so forth and so on.
The PET-recycling catalyst, a type of molecule called a carbene, was inspired by vitamin B1, says Stanford chemistry professor Robert Waymouth.
Stanford的化学专家Robert Waymout hPET说,PET循环催化剂,是一种叫卡宾的分子,设计灵感来源于维生素b1。
For example, if 3 clients existed each putting to separate bridge queues, b1, b2, and b3, all remote queue definitions could have an alias of b.
例如,如果现有3个客户端,每个客户端处于单独的网桥队列b 1、b2和b3,所有的远程队列定义可以有b的别名。
For example, if 3 clients existed each putting to separate bridge queues, b1, b2, and b3, all remote queue definitions could have an alias of b.
例如,如果现有3个客户端,每个客户端处于单独的网桥队列b 1、b2和b3,所有的远程队列定义可以有b的别名。