The copy constructor is called because you call by value not by reference.
Note that I can grab the id value by issuing a call such as
注意,我可以通过发出response . data .id这样的调用来捕获id值。
Then set the progress action by using the upDatePercentage call and specifying a new value.
然后通过使用upDatePercentage 命令和指定一个新值来设置这个进展行为。
Remote method calls still use call-by-value semantics of which you certainly need to be aware.
远程方法调用仍然使用按值调用(call -by - value)语义,您当然需要知道该语义。
Remote method calls still use call-by-value semantics of which you certainly need to be aware.
远程方法调用仍然使用按值调用(call -by - value)语义,您当然需要知道该语义。