First, can you give me an idea of how big the fair is?
For example, you start your first job in a big office, and you do not really know how to work with a large group of people in a professional setting.
Could you give us a sense of how big this volcano is?
Do you have a sense of how big the U.S. Treasury market is?
你是否对美国的债券市场(treasury market)到底有多大有自己的认识?
Maybe it's a dream that simply will not let go of you, no matter how often you tell yourself not to hope for anything so big, so unlikely.
If it is better to keep a low profile, and not be seen (if you are near a big city), how long should you have to remain out of sight?
And how you road, first of all look to good, or buy a cart, narrow road into the village into not, car big money also not small.
Since how much you can see is a big part of the game.
Tom: Yes, How did you know? Both of them are really big sports fans.
Come and see my family under a big apple tree. This is my father, how do you do? Sit down and have a cup of tea.
How would knowledge of the Big Five help you in your job as a manager?
Tom: God. How could you know it? Both of them are really big football fans!
Tom: God. How could you know it? Both of them are really big football fans!