An index.php file with a search form.
具有搜索表单的index . php文件。
Open the index.php file in your project.
打开项目中的index . php文件。
Listing 3. The source code of index.php.
清单3. index . php的源代码。
For this example we'll use the index.php file.
对于这个示例,我们将使用index . php文件。
Now add the following PHP code into index.php.
接下来,将以下php代码添加到index . php中。
Listing 1 shows the source for the index.php file.
清单1显示了index . php文件的源代码。
There are also two files: index.php and .htaccess.
Give your file the name of index.php and click Finish.
将文件命名为index . php并单击Finish。
The index.php script submits the file to an upload page.
You should note that the script, index.php and expand.php.
注意,脚本index . php(以及后面要创建的expand . php)只在这两个函数中调用。
The final step is to create the do.php file that index.php.
最后一步是创建do . php文件,index . php引用这个文件来运行实际命令。
You then set a message and redirect users back to the index.php
然后,设置一条消息,并将用户重定向回index.php 页面。
Find the DirectoryIndexdirective and add index.php to the list.
查找DirectoryIndex指令,将index . php添加到列表中。
You need to add that last bit of code to index.php a little later.
Next, you'll be getting a search term from the form in the index.php file.
接下来,将会从此index . php文件内的表单获得一个搜索词。
First you'll need to create a simple index.php file, as shown in Listing 18.
首先,您需要创建一个简单的index . php文件,如清单18所示。
First you'll need to create a simple index.php file, as shown in Listing 18.
首先,您需要创建一个简单的index . php文件,如清单18所示。