Add a new JDBC driver by clicking Add OK.
单击jdbcdriver list部分的Add添加一个新JDBC驱动程序。
The JDBC driver class name (for example: org.apache.derby.jdbc.EmbeddedDriver).
jdbc驱动程序类名(例如:or g . apache . derby . jdbc . EmbeddedDriver)。
Next, use the JDBC driver that works with your system.
Therefore an ODBC driver can be used in combination with this JDBC driver.
因此,可以将OD BC驱动程序与该JDBC驱动程序结合使用。
The JDBC driver indicates the loss of a connection with a special error code.
JDBC 驱动程序用一个特殊的错误码表示连接的丢失。
In that situation, the appropriate JDBC driver renders the connection pooling.
This defines the JDBC driver class.
它定义了JDBC 驱动程序类。
You do not need to enter the JDBC driver information.
The script to copy the JDBC driver.
Finally, select OK to finish creating the JDBC driver (Figure 5).
Set the correct WebSphere variable to the path of your JDBC driver jar file.
将正确的WebSphere变量设置到您的JDBC 驱动程序jar 文件的路径。
Import any third party JDBC drivers that you intend to use.
Create a JDBC Driver and data source.
Compare the legacy JDBC driver with the new universal JDBC driver.
Removal of third party JDBC drivers from installation war file.
The protocol tells the driver manager to use the Cloudscape JDBC driver for this connection.
A physical connection is the connection object returned from the JDBC driver.
物理连接(physical connection)是从JDBC驱动程序返回的连接对象。
The JDBC-ODBC Bridge driver is an example of a Type 1 driver.
JDBC - odbc桥驱动程序就是Type1驱动程序的示例。
the location and name of the JDBC driver library (for example: derby.jar)
JDBC 驱动程序库的位置和名称(例如:derby.jar)。
Hibernate.connection.driver_class is a JDBC driver class that we decided to use.
请使用 3.00JC1JDBC 驱动程序。
请使用 3.00JC1JDBC 驱动程序。