An Otis mechanic is dispatched when necessary.
The A4 size white brand badge is a classic fitting of OTIS.
A 4大小的白色水牌属于奥的斯的经典装备。
The brand badge and the accompanying capacity sign are also typical of OTIS.
Ginger Otis, author of Lonely Planet's New York City Guide (
《孤独星球之纽约指南》作者GingerOtis 推荐(
Likewise, this one is also equipped with the OTIS 'rem' remote management system.
同样地,本机亦装有奥的斯的'REM '遥距管理系统。
Likewise, this one is also equipped with the OTIS 'rem' remote management system.
同样地,本机亦装有奥的斯的'REM '遥距管理系统。