In two thousand four, the Sun Microsystems company launched the Global Education and Learning Community.
Oracle, which sells business software, bought Sun Microsystems, a computer-maker, last year.
销售商业软件的甲骨文公司去年收购了电脑公司Sun Microsystems。
For example, Listing 1 employs a com.sun.jndi.ldap.LdapCtxFactory factory object from Sun Microsystems.
例如,清单1使用了来自Sun Microsystem 的 com.sun.jndi.ldap.LdapCtxFactory工厂对象。
There, he met the founder of Sun Microsystems, where he had his first corporate job.
The company has shown its technology to a few key partners, including Sun Microsystems.
该公司已经向少数几家关键性的伙伴,包括Sun Microsystems,展示了其技术。
The company has shown its technology to a few key partners, including Sun Microsystems.
该公司已经向少数几家关键性的伙伴,包括Sun Microsystems,展示了其技术。