Visual Studio Team Test support
Visual Studio团队测试支持
Add these new files to your visual studio project.
将这些新文件添加到您的Visual Studio项目中。
Visual Studio 2008 does not actually fix the issue.
Visual Studio 2008其实没有真正地解决这个问题。
Note that in Visual Studio 2003 this was not available.
注意,在Visual Studio 2003中这是不可能的。
Device drivers can now be developed within Visual Studio.
现在我们可以在Visual Studio中开发设备驱动程序。
Open Visual Studio 2008 and create a Report Server project.
打开Visual Studio 2008并创建一个报表服务器项目。
Launch Visual Studio 2008 and create connection to the database.
启动Visual Studio 2008并创建数据库连接。
The script designer is also a new feature of Visual Studio 2005.
脚本设计器也是Visual Studio 2005的新特性。
Since this code is run directly by Visual Studio it must be in CLR 4.
由于这个代码是直接在Visual Studio中运行,所以必须为CLR 4的项目。
Visual Studio is the tool to use when you are doing code-centric work
Visual Studio是人们在以编码为中心的工作中需要用到的工具。
Earlier versions of Visual Studio were built on top of COM technology.
Visual Studio早期的版本是构建在COM技术之上的。
The update is free and can be downloaded from the Visual Studio Gallery.
这个更新是免费的,可以从Visual Studio库中下载。
On the Visual Studio Help menu, the Team Project Process Guidance command.
From the elegant art inspired by the extraordinary, Royal Lee's visual studio.
If you don't recall, that is the package format for any Visual Studio extension.
不知你是否记得,这就是任何Visual Studio扩展的打包格式。
I fired up my copy of Visual Studio, ran through the new package project wizard.
我卸载了Visual Studio,通过运行新的包的项目向导。
With this you get the benefit of Visual Studio color coding and statement completion.
这样,您就可以利用Visual Studio的颜色代码和语句完成特性。
The integration with Visual Studio is excellent and the online examples are great too.
与Visual Studio的集成是优秀的和在线的例子是巨大的。
Using Visual Studio, build a client application to initiate and control the WS-Transaction
使用Visual Studio,构建一个客户端应用程序来启动并控制WS-Transaction
Instead, visual Studio supplies the friendly visual resource designer that is shown in Figure 5.
相反,Visual Studio提供了一个友好的可视资源设计器,如图5所示。
And always remember that you can search and manage extension lifecycle inside the Visual Studio.
还应该始终记着,你可以在Visual Studio中搜索和管理扩展的生命周期。
The program implements the classic golden section algorithm, the platform is running Visual Studio 2010.
该程序实现了经典的黄金分割算法,运行平台是Visual Studio 2010。
Visual design Studio is a professional with many years experience in design office.
Visual design Studio is a professional with many years experience in design office.