You're right! Now I have a little bit more time to hang out with1 you.
Fresh graduated with bachelor degree, prefer with1-2 years work experience in building, layout or relative project.
本科应届生,或有1 - 2年厂房布局或规划等项目工作经验者优先。
Failed to call function OnClickText of class TestClickShell Calling function OnClickText With1 parameter but the function requires 2.
函数需要2个参数,只传递了一个参数,错误; 又试了好多方法,都不行。
Failed to call function OnClickText of class TestClickShell Calling function OnClickText With1 parameter but the function requires 2.
函数需要2个参数,只传递了一个参数,错误; 又试了好多方法,都不行。